Day Late Friend

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Following her Gray-sama out of the guild, Juvia had the happiest smile on her face that she had ever had before. Her fantasies were no longer fantasies, and her dreams were no longer only in her sleep. Her Gray-sama had at long last returned her love, and the day after tomorrow was their first date. Juvia could die of happiness!

Opening her eyes from her squeal of joy, her Gray-sama was nowhere to be seen. She looked left, right, ahead, behind, and even up.

"Gray-sama?" All at once to her, Juvia's voice seemed small. It was strange to her - so far from her boisterous self.

"Juvia!" A happy voice called.

Juvia shivered as she turned around. She knew who it was. He wouldn't leave her alone, would he? His white hair was spiked up as usual, and his blue cloak fluttered slightly in the wind. But he was standing in the middle of the town road as if he owned it. And that's what scared Juvia the most.

"Lyon..." She tried a smile. "Why is Lyon in Magnolia?"

He laughed and walked closer. Juvia tried to step back, but couldn't. She was already up against the wall. "I'm here for you, my fair Juvia."

Juvia tried to smile, but as she did, a single tear slipped out. Oh no! Lyon caught the tear with his finger. She flinched at the touch; although he barely touched her.

"I see Gray hasn't been kind to you."

Juvia wanted to scream, but she couldn't. Not a single sound would leave her mouth. And if she opened it, all that would come out was a silent whimper. But thankfully, Lyon did step back. Although, it was only a single step.

"Alright!" He smiled widely - which startled Juvia. "I shall escort you around town today in an effort to cheer you up!"

"N- no, that's not-"

"It's okay, no need to thank me." Lyon grabbed her hand and held it tightly. Not even Juvia's watery body could slip from his grasp. "I am just doing what is right."

Juvia tried to hide a look for help as she was pulled into the town by Lyon. But, no one was there to see it. So all she could do was follow Lyon and hope she could make her escape. The first shop he brought her to was a small cafe - one that Juvia knew Erza frequented. The owner seemed surprised to see Juvia there. Especially with a man that wasn't Gray. But he smiled and led them to a table.

"What may I get the young couple?"

"Juvia is not-"

"Two pieces of blueberry cheesecake, please." Lyon smiled.

Juvia felt her face fall as she was spoken over. She did not want any misconceptions, especially after her beloved Gray-sama had finally asked her out on a date. Something must be done about Lyon. But just as Juvia was going to open her mouth, the cakes arrived.

"I hope you two enjoy your date." The owner smiled.

Lyon passed a plate to Juvia. Juvia was frozen for a second at the owner's phrase. But she shook herself free, not even bothering with the cake.

"Lyon, Juvia is grateful for the cake, but-"

"Don't worry, I'll pay. How can I expect a heart broken woman to pay for her own cake?" He grinned and poked Juvia's cake closer to her.

Juvia frowned, and picked up her fork. The cake looked nice; it had a blue marbled glaze, and was decorated with blueberries. Juvia felt bad for the owner, but she would not be eating his cake. Instead, she stabbed the cake.

"Juvia does not want cake, Lyon. Juvia wants to return to Gray-sama."

Lyon sighed, looking pitifully at Juvia. "Poor Juvia. I don't know how he's rejected you this time, but he must have done something really horrible to make you not want cake. But don't worry -" He cheered up, putting the cake aside. "I have another idea that might cheer you up!"

Juvia groaned. Lyon just will not listen to Juvia!

Lyon grabbed her hand again and led her down the street; of course after paying for their cakes. The owner gave them an extra box for Juvia's leftover cake. To which Lyon carried happily in his other hand. He led her down the street, past shop after shop. Juvia held her head down, and pulled her hair over her face. Juvia does not wish to be seen by her friends. Lyon saw this.

"You don't need to hide your tears, Juvia." He comforted. "I know how to make you feel better."

Juvia groaned. Lyon needs to understand that Juvia is not sad! But she did not say anything as Lyon pulled her into a shop. And Juvia gasped.

"The dresses!"

There were scores of dresses hanging upon the walls. Dresses of all shapes and sizes, and all colors and patterns. There were poofy dresses, slimming dresses. There were child's dresses and lady's dresses. Juvia even saw wedding dresses, although she knew it was a bit early for her. But she paused in her excitement.

"Lyon..." She turned to him. He seemed to be smiling. "Why did Lyon bring Juvia here?"

"Is it wrong to want to see a pretty woman in a pretty dress?"

Juvia clutched her hands together. She just had to make sure that Lyon understood her this time.

"Lyon, Juvia does not need to be comforted."

"Don't worry, it's okay to be weak sometimes."

"No." Juvia repeated, slightly stronger. "Juvia is not sad. Juvia is happy."

Lyon paused. A wide smile spread across his face. Juvia's hopes were smashed. Oh come on.

"I made Juvia happy?"

"No!" Juvia practically screamed.

She watched as the smile fell from Lyon's face. She didn't really care as the shop customers watched silently. Juvia merely felt bad for Lyon - she had tried to be nice. But it had failed.

"Juvia was happy before Lyon came. When Lyon came, Juvia became confused and annoyed. Lyon didn't listen to Juvia and kept pushing."

Lyon looked like a little child who had been scolded. "I- I just wanted to make you happy. You were alone, and, and so I thought you would be lonely."

"Juvia was not lonely."

"I wanted you to like me." Lyon looked at the floor. He barely glanced up to look at Juvia. "Because I like Juvia."

Juvia frowned. "Juvia likes Gray-sama. Gray-sama even asked Juvia out for a date today."

Lyon froze. Juvia watched as his face cracked. For an ice wizard, his own self shattered easily. She felt horrible.

"Be Juvia's friend."


"Lyon was a day late with his confession. So be Juvia's day late friend."

Lyon stood there, not moving. Day late friend? "Seriously?"

Juvia nodded. She had such a serious face. Lyon watched as she stood her ground - and stood firm in her devotion to Gray. It irked him, but there was nothing he could do. From the first day he met her, he knew just how much she loved they annoying Gray. With a heavy sigh, Lyon turned around.

"Then the least this day late friend can do is send you off on your date in a cute outfit."

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