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Erza waited at the cafe. It was all too familiar to her now. The owner would even keep it open late for her. She hated that. But, she picked up her fork and prodded at the cake in front of her. And she started to eat. 

It didn't take long for Jellal to walk in. When he did, Erza looked out the window. The sun had only just began to set. As he came closer, Erza could see he had made progress. He no longer wore a cape, or a hood. He came in a loose pair of pants, and a slightly armored top — as if he was taking Mystogan's style. Erza chuckled at this.

"I'm glad you find my appearance humorous, Erza." Jellal smiled as he sat down.

The owner didn't wait for him to order. He simply brought another piece of strawberry cake. Jellal thanked him, and began to eat. Erza smiled at him, and took another bite of her cake.

"I must ask why though." Erza began. "Why are you dressing like Mystogan?"

Jellal chuckled, and leaned back in his chair. Looking straight at Erza,  he replied "If I want to join my family in Magnolia, this is the best way. Mystogan was a Fairy Tail Mage. It wouldn't be odd to see him in Magnolia."

Erza looked down at her cake, a slight blush in her face. "So. You want to join me in Magnolia."

Jellal nodded. 

"That would make me happy."

Grinning, Jellal reached across the table and took Erza's hand. He could feel each callous on her hands, and the years of fighting that were in them. He tried not to show the brief shudder that went through him. Slowly, he ran his thumb over her fingers. They seemed bare to him without a ring.

"Why aren't you wearing my ring, Erza?"

She pulled her hand back, and reached to her chest. From behind the breastplate of her armor, she pulled out a chain. On it was a very simple gold ring. Erza slipped her finger into it, without removing it from the necklace.

"You said — for now — to keep our marriage a secret. So I have."

Jellal watched as she spun the ring around her finger. He regretted that decision so much. He wanted nothing more than to walk the streets with his wife; hand in hand. Jellal sighed, and pulled his hand back. 

"But," Erza continued. "I may have no choice but to wear it now. I don't think I can hide our marriage anymore."

Jellal looked up suddenly. "Why?"

Erza chuckled lightly, and looked him in the eye. "I'm pregnant."

Jellal froze. His brain was suddenly disconnected from his body. He stared at Erza, unmoving. His fork was stuck midway between plate and mouth. "What?"

Erza looked him in the eye. "I'm pregnant, Jellal."

He blinked once, unable to comprehend that simple sentence. "Like, 'pregnant' pregnant?"

Erza sighed, and reached across the table for his hand. He barely felt it. "There's only one meaning to the word pregnant."

Jellal still couldn't process it. "Pregnant as in...?"

Erza rubbed at her eyes. This might take a while... she groaned. "Pregnant. As in we're going to have a baby. As in we're going to have a bigger family. As in there will be a child for us to protect."

At this, Jellal chuckled. "Protect? That's very much like the Titania of Fairy Tail."

Erza leaned back. "Well, I am Titania."

All of a sudden, it hit him. "Wait — PREGNANT?" Jellal jumped up, and slammed his hands down on the table. His breath was ragged with shock. Erza stared at him from her seat. "We're going to have a baby?"

She nodded, and Jellal ran his hands through his hair. "Holy... I can't come back to Magnolia - Not Now!"

"Wait!" Erza cried, reaching out for him. "Why can't you?"

He looked at his wife, and scanned her waist. "This child, its father is a criminal! I can't put them through that."

Erza fell back, feeling the tears beginning. "I want my family with me."

Jellal watched as each silent tear ran down her cheek. Sighing, he sat down. He quietly reached across the table and wiped away her tears. Each one he caught was a thorn in his heart. Jellal looked at his wife. Here she was, all alone. Her husband never home, and not even allowed to tell anyone. And now the greatest thing was happening, and he couldn't be there.

"Come with me."

Erza looked up. His face was sincere, and sad at the same time. His hand was caressing her face, wiping each tear away. Erza leaned into his hand, and held it in her own. She could feel the tears slowly stopping.

"Come with me, Erza." Jellal repeated. "Say you're going on a year long job. We can be a family. Together. Just not here."

Erza looked up. She steeled her face, and stood up. Jellal watched as she turned to the door. At the door frame, she looked back. There he was, still sitting at the table. He was waiting, frozen. Sighing, she spoke.

"I'll be at the train station tomorrow. Don't be late again."

As the door shut, Jellal slumped in the chair. He closed his eyes, and put his hands together. There, on his finger, was a simple iron band. He slipped it off, and ran his finger on the inside. He could barely feel it, but it was there. A simple etching into the metal. It was Erza's name. As Jellal relaxed, he had one thought.

My family is coming with me this time.

Jellal sighed and rose. Leaving the cafe, he placed a bill on the counter and waved goodbye to the owner. The owner smiled, and nodded. He wished him good luck.

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