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Juvia looked at herself in the mirror. She could only hope she looked alright.

Around her neck, there was a diamond studded necklace, although modest. Her dress stopped at her ankles, and furled out around her knees. It made her feel like a mermaid, and she loved it. The bodice started as a teal green, and slowly faded into a deep sea blue. Earlier that day, she had added white lace onto the hem of the dress. To her, it looked like the sea foam. And under that foam, she wore open silver stilettos, but they were only a few inches tall. 

Her hair was curled into soft ringlets that went down her face. Her makeup was present, although not heavy. On her eyelids, Juvia had a warm gray shadow, with a crystal blue liner. She had carefully applied the right amount of mascara to get the flutteriest lashes she could achieve.

Juvia took a deep breath, and turned away from the mirror. She had a date with Gray-sama. Grabbing her small silver purse, Juvia answered the door. There he was, her Gray-sama. His hair was tousled as ever, and his eyes were still as sharp. He wore a loose button up shirt - the top few buttons undone. He wore straight grey pants, and brown shoes. His hands were kept in his pockets.

Gray looked at Juvia - her hair cascading down, the make up that accentuated her features, and the small smile she had. He could hardly stop himself from smiling back at her. But he did. Instead, Gray held out his elbow for her the grab.

"C'mon. I don't want to be late for our reservation."

Juvia nodded and hugged his arm tightly. She could hardly keep her happiness under control. No matter how many they had, she was always ecstatic to go on a date with Gray-sama. She could barely keep herself from squealing with joy as she saw the restaurant he had chosen. It was a very special one.

The restaurant itself was made of ice - it was carved into an ice shelf. Juvia was glad that she and Gray-sama had accepted the job in the far north. It had allowed her to go to this amazing place with him. Each table was carefully placed on the ice, with little needles on the bottom to keep it still on the slippery floor. There were very few candles inside the restaurant, for obvious reasons. But it was not lacking in light. Through the ice, Juvia could see the sunlight as it diffused in the space. It was like the light was alive inside of the ice.

A waiter led Juvia and Gray to a corner table. Gray pulled out her chair for Juvia to sit. He didn't say a word as he pushed her in and sat down himself. He picked up the menu and began to read it slowly. Juvia picked up her menu, but her imagination was activated. She couldn't focus.

The waiter came back, and Gray ordered first. "I'll have the Lasagna. And could we please get a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon."

When the waiter turned to Juvia, she panicked. "Um... Juvia will have the..." Her eyes skimmed the menu quickly.  "The Stroganoff, please."

Gray snickered lightly as the waiter headed away. He could see the blush evident in Juvia's cheeks, and the comical panic in her eyes. Gray loved her when she was herself. Carefully, he reached across the table and held Juvia's hand. She stopped fretting, and looked up.

"Hey, chill out, Juvia." He chuckled. "There's no need to stress."

Juvia barely heard the words he was saying. She was too focused. Gray-sama is holding Juvia's hand! Juvia could die of happiness! Gray saw the blush rise in her cheeks and spread to her ears. He knew she wasn't listening fully. And he was okay with that.

"Juvia," He began, "What are you going to do when we get back to the guild?"

She looked up. Gray was leaning back in his chair, completely relaxed. Juvia took a breath, then answered. "Juvia will probably take a day to rest at home. Juvia feels the need for a long, hot, shower."

She looked down at her hands. They were twisting the napkin that had been set before her. Gray watched her hands carefully. Despite being a mage's hands - and a mage's hands that fought a lot - Juvia took care of them. There wasn't a single callous or wrinkle. Her nails had been carefully painted with a deep green color. Her nails had grown long, and made her hands seem even more delicate.

As the waiter came back, Juvia pulled back. She allowed the waiter to put her plate down. But she waited until he had left to squeak. She didn't have any idea what she ordered. Gray watched with a smile as she picked up her fork. She was prodding around the plate, trying to understand what it was that was in front of her. Silently, Gray chuckled at her. Then he spoke up.

"Here, you can have mine if you don't want yours."

Juvia looked across the table at Gray's plate of lasagna. She knew what it was, and liked it very much. But she couldn't imagine ever taking away anything of Gray-sama's. So she refused.

"Oh no, Juvia could never take Gray-sama's food."

Chortling to himself, Gray picked up his fork. He took a small piece of lasagna, and held it out to Juvia. "Say ah."

Juvia's eyes widened. She opened her mouth, and allowed Gray to feed her. The lasagna was exquisite, although she was sure that it was because it came from Gray-sama. Gray remembered something, and chuckled to himself.

"I'm suddenly reminded of how after the Grand Magic Games you tried to feed me."

Juvia wiggled in her chair. "That was embarrassing for Juvia. She kept hurting Gray-sama."

Gray smiled, and took a spoonful from Juvia's plate. He ate it, all while looking at Juvia. "It's true that wasn't the best day..."

"Juvia is sorry!"

Gray chuckled, and kept on eating - from his own plate this time. Juvia eventually picked up her own fork and began to eat her Stroganoff. It wasn't bad, but it didn't come close to the Lasagna.

They ate in relative quietness, each focused on the other. When it came time to leave, Gray called the waiter over. He paid quickly, and stood up. Juvia began to stand up, but Gray had already made his way over. He pulled out her chair, and held out his arm. Gray looked away as she wrapped her hands around his arm. And together, they left the restaurant.

It had rained the day before, much to Juvia's displeasure. So there were puddles everywhere. Gray was careful to lead Juvia around all of them. But there was one that he missed.

It was on a cobblestone path. Juvia didn't see it either, and her heel got caught on a stone. As she fell, she let go of Gray's arm. He didn't even have time to grab her before she hit the ground. Juvia slowly sat up, rubbing the hip on which she landed. Gray bent down, asking if she was okay.

"Juvia is fine," She smiled. "But Juvia believes her dress is ruined."

Gray looked at her dress. The bottom half was spread out over the water, truly taking on a tail like form. He smiled, and put his face close to hers. He could see the blush in her cheeks grow.


"You, you look like a mermaid." He grinned. "Do you know what the legend is about mermaids and men?"

Juvia shook her head.

"It is said that they capture the hearts of men, and pull them into the sea." Gray carefully lifted Juvia's chin. "I think I've been caught by a mermaid."

Without warning, Gray's lips crashed into hers. Juvia felt herself melt into his embrace. Wrapping her arms around him, she made one silent request. 

Let this mermaid keep this man.

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