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  "Close your eyes."

Juvia shut her eyes. It took all her willpower not to open them. She felt it as Gray took her hands. His hands seemed so large to her suddenly. They were cool on her skin, but she held them tightly, undaunted by their cold. There was a tug on her hands. Gray wanted her to move. So carefully — one foot in front of the other — Juvia followed. The path beneath her feet was difficult. It was steep. Juvia could hear the crunching of snow too, and felt the tips of branches on her arms.

Gray pulled her gently. He made sure to push as many branches out of the way as possible. The trees were thick, so it was difficult. But despite its terrain, Gray knew this mountain like the back of his hand. He looked at Juvia. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her hands were relaxed in his. Gray looked up the mountain and smiled.

"Almost there, Juvia."

She nodded. And Gray stopped her. He held her by the shoulders, gently pushing her where he wanted her to go.

"Open your eyes."

Juvia opened her eyes and looked around. It was a small clearing near the middle of the mountain. Around the clearing were the trees that Juvia had felt. And when she looked to where they had come from, she could see their footprints clearly. A small stream trickled over the ice of the glacier. Juvia looked around one more time. The place was beautiful.

"It looks amazing, Gray-sama."

He grinned. "It's not half as beautiful as what I'm going to do now."

Gray set himself up for an ice-make. Juvia watched carefully. For once, Gray didn't speak his spell. He murmured it, so Juvia couldn't hear. But she watched as his magic took effect. The swirl of ice and frost was the first thing Juvia noticed. It started small; just around Gray's hand. But it grew to envelope Gray, and then Juvia. She was wide-eyed as the ice began to take form around her. It built up opaque walls, and the windows were made of clear ice. The shape was built slowly, over a skeleton of supports. Juvia realized what it was.

"Is this a house, Gray-sama?"

"It is."

"Why did you ice-make a house?"

"It's a replica. Take a look around, Juvia."

Juvia turned to look. Around her were cupboards and counters. Each hugged the wall and the counter tops were delicately patterned. The floor replicated smooth tile, and there was a door frame. Juvia walked through the door to continue. The other room looked to be a living room. There was a rug in the center of two couches; a large three-person couch, and a smaller love seat for two. Behind one of the couches was a staircase. The ice of the staircase looked to be made of wood. Carefully, holding onto the railing, Juvia made her way up the stairs. Gray followed close behind. On the upper level, there were four doors. Juvia entered the first one.

It was a large room, with a queen size bed. It was a four-poster bed, with a large replicate blanket on it. There was a mirror on the wall, and a window opposite it. There was another door to which Juvia could see a bathroom. Juvia left for the other rooms.

One room was a very simple bathroom. But the other two were bedrooms. They each had a single size bed and a small chest of drawers. On each bed, there was the image of a child sleeping.

Gray walked up behind Juvia. He quietly put is arm around her waist and waited for him to look at her.

"Do you like it, Juvia?"

"Juvia does not understand. Why make a house of ice?"

Gray chuckled. "No one's going to be living here. I already built this house in Magnolia."

Juvia looked around the room again. The detail was amazing. Even the ice on the walls seemed to shed a colored hue. "It is impressive, Gray-sama."

"I know, but do you like it?"

"Of course Juvia likes it. Gray-sama made it."

"Alright," Gray smiled. "Would you move in to a house like this?"

Juvia looked at Gray, a question in her eyes. He waited to see if she understood. But the longer Juvia stood there, the more Gray became impatient. He even started to tap his foot.

"Well? Do you like the house, Juvia?"

Juvia shook her head to come back to reality. "Yes, Juvia likes the house, but why is this so important to Gray-sama?"

"Well, because I want to live in it with you." Gray stated. "I want you to marry me."

"Yes!" Juvia leaped forward into Gray's arms. She flung her arms around his neck; almost taking him down with her.

Gray chuckled quietly as he held her close. He began to run his hands through Juvia's hair. Gently, he kissed her head. Juvia looked up at Gray and smiled.

"Juvia is so happy!"

"Of course you are."  

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