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  "Marry me!"


"Marry Me!"




Mira — or rather, everyone — watched as Evergreen stormed out of the guild. Elfman was left standing there, with ring box in hand, staring after her. With a sigh, Mira called her brother over. She couldn't just let this slide. Her little brother, left assumingly heartbroken after being rejected three times. Although, Mira had to admit, his proposal was more than lacking.

"Elfman, you just can't propose like that." She shook her head gently.

Elfman was still staring at the guild door. "I don't get it. I proposed boldly, LIKE A MAN, and she refused!"

With an even heavier sigh, Mira began to wipe the bar top. Elfman briefly lifted his huge forearms for her to wipe under them. "Brother, you may have proposed 'like a man', but you didn't stop to think of how Evergreen would want to be proposed to. Do you think she would want to be proposed to as 'a man' or as a woman?"

Elfman paused in thought for a while. And Mirajane moved down to the bar, continuing her duty as barmaid. Elfman watched his sister in her duties. Sure, she was a woman, but what was so different about that? All the women in Fairy Tail were strong — able to fight like men. So why is Ever any different?

As Mira made her way back, she saw the confused look on her brother's face. Yet another sigh, and this time she pulled up a stool behind the counter so she could sit and talk with her brother.

"Elfman, do you remember when we were young?"

He nodded.

"Do you remember when you weren't so strong?"

With a gruff voice, he responded. "I wasn't A MAN yet."

With a small smile, Mira nodded. "Yes. You weren't a man. Things had to be more gentle with you - not so abrupt."

"So?" Elfman groaned. He hated remembering this.

"So." Mira's soft voice became a little harsher. Elfman could almost feel himself shrink as he looked at her smile. It was a cold one. But she continued. "So, Evergreen isn't a man either. Things need to be more gentle — these things especially need to be done with more finesse."

Elfman wanted to ask what that word meant, but he didn't dare enrage his sister anymore. So instead, he muttered thanks and lifted his huge self. He felt the eyes of the guild on him as he exited. Once he got out on the street, he paused. Looking at the small box in his hand, he sighed. I really messed this up.

But Elfman went ahead to ask for advice. There was at least one person he knew would be able to help him. And so, he quickly walked to his house. It was a small house in the countryside. It was built of plain cut lumber, and even had a barn attached to it. Elfman could only hope that Alzack was home. Trying carefully to be gentle, he knocked on the door. When Asuka opened it, she had a look of surprise on her face.

"Daddy!" She called. "Mommy! Elfman is here!"

Soon enough, the couple came towards the door. With a smile, Bisca offered "Why don't you come in Elfman?"

"Wait!" Alzack yelled. "Why don't we go outside, actually? It's a lovely day out."

Bisca paused for a second, then realized. Elfman couldn't be fully seen through the door frame. He had to duck to even look in the house. Awkwardly, Bisca agreed with her husband. "Actually, that's a great idea. I'll go grab some refreshments."

Alzack led Elfman outside to a pile of haystacks, to which Elfman sat on one. Alzack sat on a nearby rock, with Asuka on his knee. She played with a small stuffy she brought out.

"Now, Elfman, why the visit?" He said with a smile. "Not that we mind having guests."

Just as Elfman was going to begin, Bisca came out with large cups of apple juice. She passed the largest to Elfman, and the smallest to Asuka. She then took a seat next to Alzack.

"Well, go on Elfman."

He shuffled nervously on the hay. "Well, I tried to propose to Evergreen-"

"Good job, Elfman!" Alzack shouted. "When's the wedding?"

"She said no." Elfman paused, staring at Alzack's face of horror. "Mira-nee said I need more finesse. I don't know what that means. Can you help me?"

The couple looked to each other for a brief second. Alzack was still silenced by his prior speedy response. So Bisca spoke up.

"Well, proposing is something special." She started slowly. "It's not like there's one way to propose."

"Oh." Was all Elfman said.

"But," Bisca continued. "Try proposing with something that Evergreen likes. Or during an activity that Evergreen likes. It's all about her when you propose."

Elfman stood up, and thanked them. He returned the cup — now empty — and turned to leave. They hadn't helped much, but would take all he could get. So with a sigh, Elfman headed back to the guild. Something Ever likes... Something Ever likes...

Once Elfman had reached the guild, he believed that he had a plan. It was loose and uncertain, but should be better than his previous attempt. Now, all he could hope was that Evergreen was at the guild. He shifted the package he held under his arm — careful not to crush it. And he opened the door.

There she was. Sitting at the very back of the guild, talking with Mirajane. As quietly as he could, the giant mage made his way over to her. She noticed just before he sat down next to her. And she turned her head away. Mira tried an apologetic smile, and continued wiping down the bar further down. So it was just Elfman and Evergreen. And Elfman started with something he knew evergreen liked.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

She looked over her shoulder.

Gently, he placed the package on the table. "I got you this."

Slowly, Evergreen turned back around to look at it. She did like gifts. It was a plain white box, taped shut. But she opened it easily. Inside, there was a small dress. It was simple and form fitting. And it was Evergreen's favorite color — green. A forest green, with black lace around the hem. She raised an eyebrow at Elfman, not speaking yet.

"Mira said I need finesse — whatever that is. Bisca said I should make it all about you and use something you like. So this is it." He tried sliding the ring box over.

Evergreen cast an eye on it, but soon stood up. As she was turning her back, she paused. "I'm going to try this on, okay?"

She left before Elfman could answer. Once again, leaving him alone. He sighed, and rested his head on the table. He had failed again.

"How are you supposed to look at me in this dress if you've got your head on the table?"

Elfman's head snapped up. There she was. She had let her hair fall around her shoulders, so it hid the thin straps that held the dress up. It clung tight to her waist, but flowed easily down to her knees, where it had a brief flare before it stopped. Evergreen came closer to Elfman and grabbed the ring box.

"Okay. You tried. I'll bite. But don't forget for an instance that I'm a woman, and NOT a man."

"YEAH!" Elfman shouted. Carefully, he slipped the tiny ring onto her finger. "You're my WOMAN!"  

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