Decisions, Decisions...

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Gajeel stared ahead across the training room. In uniform, Levy looked even smaller than normal. The white jacket, and black boots made her look like a little girl waiting for a horse. But no matter how professional she tried to look, she kept that orange headband. Gajeel could always count on her for a chuckle. Quietly, he walked up behind her as she was waiting for her unit. Before she noticed, he had already rested his elbow on her head.


"Gajeel," He could hear that tone in her voice. "I'm on the job right now, and last I checked, so were you."

Laughing to himself, Gajeel dropped his arm onto her shoulder. He felt her tense up as soon as he did. "Easy, Shrimp. Cap's nowhere to be seen."

Gajeel didn't have to see her reaction. He could imagine the vein popping out of her forehead. So he waited Let's see how long this shrimp can boil. And it didn't take long. Levy had already pushed off his arm and was walking towards one of her subordinates who had just entered the room. Gajeel followed a little bit behind, easily keeping watch as Levy tried to ignore him. But Gajeel just felt sorry for the subordinate.

"Cadet May," Levy commanded. "You're late. Why?"

Gajeel saw the cadet crumble under Levy; which Gajeel found amazing. How anyone so small could be so demanding was beyond him. But Levy did it with ease.

"And?" She tapped her foot expectantly.

The Cadet tried to stand straight. Event though they were taller, it was as if Levy was looking down on the poor cadet. Gajeel chuckled, and came up behind Levy.

"Shrimp, leave the chick alone." Gently, Gajeel pushed the cadet away. "It's the day before the Cadets graduate. Let them live a little."

Huffing, Levy crossed her arms. She looked up at Gajeel. His jacket was slung over both shoulders, not even being worn. "You are only a Second Lieutenant. I'm a First Lieutenant. I outrank you here. So listen to me."

Gajeel watched as she puffed her cheeks out in an effort to look mad. And Gajeel couldn't help it. He burst out laughing, and patted Levy's head; much to her frustration.

"Gajeel!" She cried.

"Yeah, shrimp?"

"I order you to stop!"

This brought on a new burst of laughter. "Gihihihi. Good luck with that."

But Gajeel turned around. He began to walk back across to the exit. He waved from behind, and pulled his jacket off his shoulders. "Imma check out for the day. Lemme know if you wanna join me, Lieutenant Shrimp."

Levy practically boiled in anger. She could feel the stares of all the cadets and Magic Council members looking at her. It was as if they were challenging her. Snorting, she began to chase after Gajeel. As she neared him, he turned and grinned.

"So, the stuck up shrimp is skipping her duties, eh?" Gajeel held open the door for her. She slipped under his arm with no problem.

Glaring at him, she responded. "Only one person showed up — and late at that. She's not worth my time. And I'm just making sure you don't embarrass the Council."

Laughing, Gajeel looked forward. "Well, I'm going to the bar. You can't go there while on duty."

Levy stopped, and Gajeel could see her working it through. Her face twisted in thought at first, then settled begrudgingly. As the two crossed the street, Levy replied.  "Well, I've already checked out anyway. But you're buying drinks."

"Ooh..." Gajeel murmured. "Decisions, decisions... what can I get to get you drunk as fast as possible?"

Levy looked up — shocked. "Wait, what?!"

"Gihihi, it was your decision to allow me to buy the drinks. Plus you decided to follow me."

"Why I -" Levy stumbled over her words. "I never thought you were that type of guy, Gajeel!"

Quickly, Gajeel looked around. They were about a block down from the Magic Council Training Center. No one from work could be seen. So gently, Gajeel put his arm around Levy's waist.

"C'mon, Shrimp. Let your man get you drunk, just this once."

Levy glared up at him, and gently moved his hand from her waist. "I may be dating you but that is not a sentence I ever want to hear again."

Chuckling to himself, Gajeel replaced his arm around her waist. "Sure, I'm sure you thought I would be some goody-two shoes when you kissed me."

Gajeel saw the red in her face as it quickly rose up. She stammered her response. "Besides, we're in the open. What if someone from work sees us together like this?"

Gajeel laughed loudly. "Let them see — They can fight me for all I care!"

Levy groaned. It wasn't my decision to fall in love with this blockhead... but, it was my decision to stay. And she sighed, leaning into Gajeel. "Fine. You can buy whatever drinks you want me to have. But you know I don't like strong liquor."

"Gihihi! It's not your decision, Shrimp!"

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