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 Erza waddled off the train the best she could. Jellal tried to help her, but even his hand was pushed away. Meredy walked carefully behind them — she didn't want to take on Erza. Especially a pregnant Erza.

Erza could feel the weight shifting around her as she finally stood on solid ground. And she was thankful. If what she had just felt was motion sickness, she felt a whole new respect for the dragon slayers. But she pushed on anyway.

Jellal followed closely behind. This time, Erza let him take her hand as they walked through the small town. The people smiled and waved at the couple. They had been to this town several times before. And the town knew them.

"Erza, honey," Jellal started. But he didn't get very far.

"Don't call me honey — I'm not weak you know." She snapped.

From behind, Meredy shook her head. Poor Jellal. A pregnant wife was bad enough — but a pregnant Erza was so much worse. But he kept trying.

"Okay, sorry. I was just going to say that there's a small butcher shop over there that we can go to."

Erza glared and huffed. "I know, Jellal. I've been here before, you know. So don't-" She stopped. She even stopped walking. Looking to the side, her eyes began to tear.

"Jellal!" She whispered. "Isn't that so precious?"

Jellal froze. Precious? That's not a word Erza usually says... But he looked anyway. There, on the other side of the road, was a family. A young one, to be exact. The mother still looked a little bloated, and the baby was so small. The father held it closed, swaddled in fluffy blankets. Reaching up, the baby took its mother's finger. It cried briefly, but the father held it closer with a smile. And Jellal smiled too. But not because of the family. It was Erza that caused his smile.

Her free hand wrapped carefully around her ballooned stomach and held it gingerly. Her face had a light blush on it. And her eyes. Her eyes were so tender as she watched the baby. The whole scene just took her breath away.

"It's so wonderful." She whispered.

Jellal nodded, all while looking at his wife. "Yeah. Yeah it is."

Erza paused. She felt his stare on her. Her face quickly turned, and she glared at him. "What are you staring for?"

Meredy laughed quietly and began to move along. While the two were fighting — or, Jellal was losing — she would get their groceries for the week. Erza wasn't going to be moving fast anyway.  

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