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Erza sat down and sighed. Jellal was late. She sighed again, looking down at the cake in front of her. She had barely touched it. Looking outside, Erza saw that the sun was starting to go down. So she picked up her fork and poked at the cake. She wasn't in the mood for cake.

The bell at the front of the store jingled.  Erza looked up. There, in front of the door, was Jellal.  His face was covered by a dull hood, but Erza knew it was him. He slowly walked over to the table where she sat. He pulled out the chair and sat down. Smiling, he apologized.

"Sorry, I'm not used to coming here when it's light out. I lost my way."

Erza chuckled. "You're pardoned. There's no need to hide in the dark, Jellal."

Jellal paused. Despite their new respect for each other, Erza still didn't use his name that often. But when she did, he believed it to be the best name he could receive. Erza looked up at him, and he looked at her eyes. She had recently started pulling her bangs back. So Jellal could see both of her eyes. But no matter how good the magic was, he could tell that one of her eyes wasn't real. And that pained him.

Erza saw the flash of pain go across Jellal's face. Understanding, she pulled out some of her bangs and let them fall over her eye. Jellal chuckled.

"Are you shy, Scarlet?"

Erza shook her head. "Nonsense."

Jellal watched as she picked up her fork and began to eat her cake. It relieved him. So Jellal called the waiter over and ordered a piece of strawberry cake as well. Erza raised an eyebrow at him when the cake arrived.

"I never thought you would be one to like cake."

Jellal shrugged and began to eat. "I developed a taste for it recently."

The two sat in silence for a while as they each finished their cake. Once they were finished, they each paid and stood. Jellal held the door open for Erza as she left. She tried not to blush.

Erza kept walking, and Jellal caught up to her. He walked in step with her, following her to the park. It was the part of the park where the river ran behind the Sakura trees. Erza stopped by the river bank, staring at it.

Jellal looked to the river. It was barely frozen over. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground and on the ice. But on the ice, he saw the reflection of the sunset. Its brilliant colors were reflected clearly.

The blue of the sky mixed with the blue of the river. The gentle purple and pinks looked even softer in the ice. But there was a bright streak of color that caught Jellal's eye. It was a scarlet ring around the sun itself.

"Jellal." Erza started. "I've been thinking of going on a hundred-year quest."

Jellal looked at her with shock. But she kept going.

"I'll probably leave sometime next week. I'll pack up everything. I may not come back."

Jellal turned suddenly, grabbing Erza by the shoulders. He shoved her up against the tree. It startled her, and Jellal could see a single tear fall. But he didn't let her go.

"Shut up!" He yelled. "Don't say that sort of thing!"

Erza stared at him. His face was downcast. His eyes were closed in anger. He was screaming at the ground. Erza's shoulders were held tightly against the tree. Jellal wasn't going to let her move.

"Why?" Erza heard his voice break. "Just when I'm allowed back in Magnolia, you leave it." His breath was heavy. "There's no point in coming here if you're not here."

Erza watched as Jellal's grip on her loosened. She could see his knees shake slightly. Then, all at once he froze. He looked her in the eye.

"Don't leave."

He sounded forceful, but Erza didn't respond. So, sighing, Jellal pulled out his last resort. He pushed into her, and kissed Erza.

Erza felt the warmth of his lips on her immediately. She stood there, her brain frazzled. Jellal felt her stillness, and pulled back. He let go of her completely.

"You already knew it. You know how I feel." He turned away, beginning to walk. "So don't go saying stuff like that again."

Erza watched as he walked away. Suddenly, she began to notice things.  She noticed the width of his shoulders; the stride of his walk, and the wind in his hair. And she knew.

"Wait..." It was almost completely under her breath. "Wait." A little louder. "Wait!"

She saw the flinch in Jellal as she screamed it, but he didn't stop. He kept waking away. So Erza ran. It took her seconds to catch up to him.

"Stop!" She yelled as she tackled him to the ground.

Jellal lay there, eyes wide as saucers. Erza was breathing heavily. He could see her chest heave with each breath. But she couldn't have run that hard.

Erza didn't say anything, she just bent down and kissed him. This time, it was Jellal's turn to be surprised.

Erza looked down at him, full of defiance.  "I said stop."

Jellal smiled a little. He reached his hand up and ran it through her hair. Chuckling, he spoke. "You know, your hair's not really scarlet."

Erza scoffed. "Then give me a new name."

Jellal thought. He looked at her, and looked at how her hair blended into the sunset. Jellal felt the warmth on his lips still.  Then he grinned.

"I have the perfect name for you." He stated.

Erza rolled to lie next to him. She propped her head up and looked at him. "What name?"

Jellal shrugged. "You may not like it."

Erza poked him. "Tell me!"

Blowing a hair out of his face, Jellal rolled to face her. "Alright. I'll tell you."

Jellal smirked, and Erza poked him again. She kept poking him, and he laughed. Catching her hands, he held them tight.

"Just stop poking me!" He chuckled.

"Then tell me!"

Jellal sighed. "Okay, your new last name, should be..." He watched her as her eyes went wide, expecting a great reveal. "Fernandez."

"What?" Erza asked. "Why should I use your name?"

Jellal groaned, and cupped her chin. "So intelligent, but not smart. Really, Erza."

Jellal began to stand up. Erza watched and tried to pull him down. "Wait! I don't get it! Jellaaaaal.." She whined.

Jellal laughed at her.  "You can come find me when you understand. Until then, Erza Fernandez!"

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