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Gray looked out the train window. The trees were rushing past, and the wind blew into the train through a small crack on the window. He turned around as much as he could, and saw the guys sitting around him. Gajeel and Natsu were passed out across the seat, and Elfman, Jellal, and himself were squished on the other side. Happy and Pantherlily were sitting next to the dragon slayers, trying to comfort them.

Gray groaned, and turned to Elfman. "Hey - can't you go get your own train seat? You're killing us!"

Elfman turned, and Jellal squeaked. He had been pushed even further into the wall. Elfman turned back to apologize, and squished Gray into the window. Gray cussed.

"Elfman! Get out!"

"Sorry guys - but I can only purchase one seat ticket!"

Jellal sighed, and glared at Elfman, "Why? You can buy two. It's possible."

Elfman shrugged, pushing both of the guys further into the wall. "Ever only wants me to buy one ticket. She'll think I'm cheating if  have another ticket."

Jellal groaned, but Gray shivered. He could imagine how Juvia would react if he bought two tickets for the train. "Yeesh. Okay, I can get that, but still," Gray responded. "You're a huge guy! Evergreen should understand that! Now, get out!"

Elfman finally stood up. Gray and Jellal relaxed as they felt the emptiness. They could finally breathe. Elfman went to open the cabin door, and barely fit. Happy watched as the giant of a man left. 

"I feel bad for him."

"I agree." Pantherlily nodded.

Jellal looked at the exceeds, shocked. Gray raised an eyebrow at them.

"Hey, it was his choice to bulk up. Plus it was him who proposed to Evergreen. He got what he asked for."

Jellal chuckled lightly, and spoke up. Chucking, he replied. "Well, you got the same thing."

Gray looked over at Jellal. Glaring, he spoke. "Hey - I'm not bulky and I'm not married to a super jealous wife either!"

"I-idiot..." Natsu groaned, barely loud enough to be heard. The other guys - except Gajeel - looked over at him. Natsu, who was so motion sick he couldn't sit straight, was still mouthing off. "You think J-Juvia's not j-jealous?"

Gray froze.  "W-well, maybe a little..."

Pantherlily laughed. "A little? Sure, just like how motion sickness only affect Dragon Slayers a little."

Natsu tried to glare at Pantherlily, but as soon as he moved his head he felt a wave of nausea. His hand went over his mouth to try to stop it. Happy sighed and rubbed Natsu's arm. 

"Poor Natsu."

Gray chuckled and looked out the window again. The trees were slowing down, and he could see Magnolia coming closer. As the train pulled into the station, Gray could already see her. Her blue hair stood out, even among the crowds. She was waving furiously at the train. Gray smiled. She was wearing a pretty dress. It was a pale blue with a flowery print. Gray saw the skirt ruffle as the train finished pulling up.

Natsu and Gajeel were off that train as fast as the conductor would let them. Happy and Pantherlily didn't waste time going after them. Gray stood up slowly. He ambled out, taking his time. As he was going down the steps, Juvia ran up to him.

"Gray-sama!" She threw her arms around him - almost knocking him backwards into the train. 

"Hey, hey, let me get off at least." Gray chuckled, and hugged her back. He let go quickly and started to walk. Juvia fell in step beside him, quietly holding his arm. Gray felt her coolness on his skin, and how tight she was holding him.

"Juvia missed Gray-sama so much while he was gone!"

Chuckling, Gray put his hand on hers. "Chill out. It was only a couple days."

"Yes, but Juvia worries about Gray-sama while he is away. Juvia worries another woman might fall in love with Gray-sama! Juvia does not want a love rival!"

Gray sighed, and let his hand fall back to his side. He walked in silence for a bit, and Juvia looked up at him. She was looking on his face, and couldn't see a smile. She gasped.

"Did Gray-sama have an affair while away from Juvia?!"

She pulled away, and Gray groaned. Her face was completely in shock, and Gray could almost feel the boiling rain that would come. Gently, Gray faced her. He held her shoulders tight, and looked her in the eye.

"It's okay, there is no affair. I'm back, so chill out."

Juvia huffed, and grabbed his arm again. "Juvia will believe Gray-sama. But Gray-sama can never have another woman!"

Gray groaned. "Man, you sure can get jealous, Juvia."

Giggling, Juvia replied. "Juvia gets jealous because Juvia loves Gray-sama so much."

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