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  Juvia smiled as she entered the guild. Her Gray-sama followed not long after. She fiddled with her fingers, trying not to be nervous. Gray watched her from behind, knowing full well what was going through her mind. He felt a small smile creep onto his lips, and he pushed forward past Juvia.

"Hey, Flame Brain."

Natsu glared up at him. He was in the middle of a meal.

"What, Ice Princess?"

"I bet you can't fight with something other than fire."

Natsu huffed. "I bet you're wrong."

Gray grinned. This was going exactly as he planned it. "I bet you can't beat me with water."

Natsu's brows furrowed for a second. Then, his usual ego came into play. "Oh yeah? I bet you're wrong."

"Then prove it. We''l have a water fight."

Juvia watched as Gray prodded Natsu. What is Gray-sama doing? She heard water being mentioned, but she couldn't hear her name. Gray was standing tall, with shoulders held straight. His face told her that he was boasting.

Natsu looked at Gray. It was obvious he was planning something, but he couldn't tell what. So he went along with it, to shove it in Gray's face.

"Water fight? Alright — I'll still beat you."

Grinning, Gray added one more rule. "Bring Lucy along — I'll be bringing Juvia."

Natsu's face fell immediately. "Juvia?! She's a water mage! That's an unfair advantage!"

"So?" Gray smirked. "Lucy's got Aquarius. I think that — might — even the playing field. Might."

Natsu's mouth gaped as Gray left the guild. Juvia chuckled to herself, and hugged his arm. He made no movement to push her away. Giggling to herself, she squeezed his bicep tighter.

"Gray-sama, what are you planning?"

He shrugged, and went to hold Juvia's hand. His thumb brushed over the small band of silver and its one small diamond. "Just make sure you wear this to the fight."

Juvia looked at him strangely, but nodded. She would always do what Gray-sama asked.

A few hours later, the guild had assembled just outside of Magnolia. Natsu and Gray stood there in their trunks — Natsu's a blazing orange and Gray's a chilling blue. Lucy and Juvia were there too. Lucy wore a white flowered bikini, and Juvia wore a striped blue one with a skirt. She hid her hands behind her back.

"Alright," Makarov announced. "Here are the rules! Magic is allowed, since both teams have someone who can control water. There will be no ice magic or fire magic." Makarov glared at the two boys and continued. "And it ends when one of the teams gives up. Begin!"

Natsu looked at Lucy. She was holding onto her key tightly. But there was no water to be found. All the two had were a pile of water balloons at their feet. Natsu could already feel the sweat building up on his brow. He had never been in a fight like this before. Lucy looked at him, too anxious to be the first to move.

Gray was grinning his face off. At his feet stood water balloons as well — they were going to be his main weapon. He wasn't an idiot — he knew Juvia could win if he wanted her too. But that wouldn't work. So he picked up a water balloon. Tossing it lightly in his hand, he grinned and took aim.

"Get ready to have your flames doused!" He threw it fast.

Juvia knew what she had to do. Gently, she controlled the water inside to make it hit the target. At the very last moment, Natsu dodged. But Juvia saw it. Adjusting the course of the balloon, it hit Natsu right on the face. And he did not look happy. Juvia could practically see the steam rising off his face.

Natsu reached down and picked up a balloon. Staring straight at Gray, he threw. Juvia watched it. Lucy watched Juvia. Carefully, she crept closer to the rain woman. Lucy was going to pull an old trick out of the bag.

As the water balloon hit the ground beside Gray, Lucy struck. Pushing Aquarius' key into Juvia's body of water, Lucy called for her.

"Gate of the water bearer; Aquarius!"

Juvia cried out as she felt her water being draw in. It was a weird feeling. Gray ran towards her, and pushed her away from the key. But Aquarius had already come through. She floated a few feet away from Juvia. And glared at Lucy.

"Really? This is what you summon me from?"

Juvia got back on her feet — the initial shock gone. She glared at Lucy too.

"Using Juvia's body is not okay! Juvia's body belongs to Gray-sama alone!"

Gray felt himself blush, but quickly cooled his face. Coming up beside Juvia, he grabbed another water balloon.

Natsu stood beside Lucy as he held a water balloon. Lucy nodded to Aquarius. A small vortex of water began to form around the mouth of her urn. Gray flinched as he watched the water assemble. Juvia stood her ground, and even took a step in front of Gray.

With a yell, Aquarius threw the water at the team. It struck forcefully; the couple was swept away without mercy. The guild gasped as they watched the rain woman get washed away. The wave stopped a few meters away, and Gray helped Juvia to her feet.

Juvia clung tightly to Gray's hand as she stood up. But as she gripped his hand tighter, she gasped.

"Gray-sama! Juvia has lost it!"

Makarov immediately put a pause on the water fight. He walked right up to Juvia and looked her and Gray in the eye. Lucy came forward too, an expression of worry on her face. She looked around the ground as she came closer.

"What did you lose?"

Blushing, Juvia turned to Gray. He gave a small nod, and Juvia turned back to Lucy.

"Juvia has lost her engagement ring from Gray-sama."

Gasps went all around the guild as they clamored closer to the couple. There were those slapping Gray on the back for a job well done; there were those congratulating Juvia; and there were those who started to comb through the grass in an effort to find the missing ring. Gray smiled as he knelt down to look as well. It was a small smile, but Juvia caught sight of it. Nothing made her smile more than Gray-sama's smile.

It was Levy who found the ring. She pulled it out of a nearby bush with a look of excitement on her face. The ring was returned to Juvia — after Gray put it on her finger again. Everyone in the guild wanted to get a look at the ring. But Gray gently pulled Juvia away from the crowd. He held her hand tightly. Juvia squeezed his hand back.

"Gray-sama, Juvia wonders why Gray-sama decided to fight Natsu-san in a water fight?"

Grinning, Gray turned to look at his fiance. "Think — wasn't that a good way to reveal our engagement?"

Juvia paused for a second. Gray stopped next to her. He could see the wheels turning slowly in her brain, then her imagination taking over. It didn't take long for her face to go beet red. She shook her head trying to come back to reality.

Smiling, Gray turned away from her. He pulled her a little bit more. He had been waiting for this. Just ahead on the street, next to the river, stood a house. The paint was new and clean, and the windows were freshly shined. As Juvia looked at the house, she gasped.

"This is the house that Gray-sama made of ice to propose with!"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"It looks beautiful!"

Chuckling, Gray pulled her towards the door. Opening, he motioned for Juvia to go inside. "C'mon. Let's make this our house."  

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