Sorry, I'm Just Being Me

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She didn't turn around.

"Shrimp!" Gajeel called louder.

He could hear her huff as she kept moving forward. With a growl, Gajeel sped up.


Grabbing her by the waist, Gajeel threw her over the shoulder. He could feel her hitting his back as he turned around. But Gajeel was tough. The hits didn't bother him; he merely strode out of the guild hall.

"Gajeel!" Levy cried. She could already feel the stings behind her eyes. "Put me down!"

Gajeel stopped. He was a ways away from the guild. Sighing, he plopped Levy on the ground. He could see the angry blush on her face. Her cheeks were puffed out and her arms were crossed.

"Shrimp." Gajeel laughed. "You look like a tomato."

Levy stuck her tongue out. "And whose fault is that?"

"Yours." Gajeel stated. "I don't change the color of your face."

Levy huffed. "You're the one who makes me mad!"

"You're a shrimp — shrimps don't get mad."

Levy huffed once more and turned around. I'm not dealing with this.

Gajeel watched as she stalked away. Her tiny shoulders were trying to look square and angry; but no matter what Levy did, she was always a shrimp.


She walked faster.


He walked faster.


Gajeel grabbed her hand and spun her around. Levy's face was still red, but so were her eyes. It didn't take Gajeel long to realize it was tears running down her cheeks. He could feel his heart squeeze. Pulling Levy in close, Gajeel pet her hair. He could feel her sniffling into her shirt.

"Shh..." Gajeel whispered. "Why are you crying?"

"You called me a tomato! You carried me off!" She yelled into him. "You call me a shrimp!"

"But you're my shrimp." Gajeel tried to sooth her.

"You're making fun of me!" Levy stared up at him.

Gajeel sighed. Resting his head on hers, he apologized. "Sorry, I'm just being mean."

"You're always mean..." Levy mumbled.

"Well," Gajeel chuckled, "I'm just a bad boy."

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