Metalhead and Shrimp

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  "Hurry up, Shrimp!" Gajeel yelled.

Grumbling, he hit the door again. Damn women and their make up. Gajeel briefly considered turning around and leaving. But he didn't. It had taken a lot of effort to get Levy to agree to a date. So, grumbling again, he began to knock on the door even more. Until Levy opened it.

"Sheesh Gajeel! Do you want to wake up everyone else?" Levy hissed.

Gajeel just shrugged and turned to leave. "C'mon. I don't want to be late."

Once Gajeel turned around, he felt the red seep up her face. Levy may have taken forever, but it was worth it. She had on this cute little blue skirt and white tank top. She had a jean vest on top, and sown onto the jean vest were various designs. Such as flowers and fairies. Levy had done her hair up too. Most of it was pulled up in this messy bun, but not a single strand fell onto her face — thanks to her headband. So Gajeel got the full effect of the power of make up.

Levy had completely smoothed out her skin. Gajeel didn't even realize she could smooth it out anymore. And the faint eye shadow made her eyes pop. Her brown eyes looked even bigger than normal. And her eyelashes were amazing.

"Gajeel!" Levy whined as she tried to catch up. "Slow down!"

Looking behind, Gajeel hoped the red wasn't too obvious. "Sorry, Shrimp. I just got longer legs."

Puffing out her cheeks, she finally caught up. Levy wrapped her arms around Gajeel's and stuck her tongue out at him.



"Idiot Magnet."




Levy frowned. "I thought you liked me being a shrimp!"

Gajeel nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do. But you started it!"

"Baka..." Levy mumbled under her breath. Gajeel heard it, but didn't respond.

"We're here."

Levy looked up at where they were. It was a small shop tucked between two bookstores. How Levy didn't recognize it was beyond her. But the shop itself had no decorations out front — only a sign. Peter's. Once Gajeel led her inside, she was surprised. There were a lot of people inside the store. Levy couldn't see over the crowd at the menu. She tried to stand on her tiptoes but it didn't help.

"I gotcha." Gajeel's arm swung down and picked up Levy. She squeaked, but didn't protest. As Gajeel sat her on his shoulders, Levy could finally see.

"So, whatcha gettin'?"

Levy squinted. The menus were farther away than she thought they would be. "I can't even read them, Gajeel!"

"Hold on."

From underneath her, Levy could feel Gajeel start to move. In a panic, she wrapped her arms around his head. Gajeel kept moving, undeterred by the crowd. Levy could feel as he pushed through people. With each movement, Levy was shaken in her perch. Finally, Gajeel stopped. Levy looked at the menus again.

"That good for ya, Shrimp?"

"I can see them!" Levy told him. "And there's... milkshakes?"

Gajeel grinned. "Gihihi. Only the best milkshakes in town!"

Levy chuckled quietly and read the sign. "It's make your own milkshake. Do you wanna know what you can use?"

Gajeel shook his head. Levy grabbed onto him again. "Oops, sorry shrimp."

"It's okay..." She looked down at him. "Now, do you want to know the mixings?"

"Nah. I got 'em memorized."


So levy looked at the menu. There was a lot of mixings. Some of them were normal. Like mango, orange, and strawberry. Others were like chocolate, vanilla, or cookie dough. But then there were the weird ones. Like toothpaste, butterscotch, and hamburger. Levy read all of them. But she tried to jump over the weird ones.

"Shrimp," Gajeel called up. "Y'know what you want?"

"Cookies and cream."

"Alrighty then!"

Gajeel went to put Levy down. He knelt on the floor, and Levy crawled off. She tried to keep her skirt down the best she could. Once she was off, Gajeel stood up again. Levy suddenly felt shorter than she normally was. So she stood on her tiptoes.

Gajeel chuckled as he headed towards the counter to order. Levy followed closely, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. Once Gajeel had ordered and paid, he moved back. Levy looked up at him.

"How are we going to know when our order is ready?"

"Gihihi. You'll see."

Levy felt a small shiver run down her spine. Gajeel didn't move at all. He merely crossed his arms and leaned back on the wall to wait. Levy leaned back too. She listened carefully as orders were called out.

"Metalhead and Shrimp!" Someone yelled.

Levy groaned as Gajeel started to move. "Really? That's how they do it? You give them a name?"

Gajeel grinned and nodded. "I thought it would work well. After all, you called me that first."

Levy groaned as she grabbed her milkshake. "Come on, I don't want to be in this crowd longer than I have too."


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