Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo

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He slid in smoothly, as if the previous rounds of drinks didn't affect him. Of course, Cana knew they didn't. Bacchus was the only one to ever out-drink her. And it made her boil with anger. So it made sense for her to snap.

"Whaddya want, Bacchus?"

He chuckled at her attempt. He had beaten her before — why should he be scared? So he slid his bar stool closer and leaned in, almost whispering.

"What I want is simple. All I wanna know why a Fairy Tail wizard is here — in Quatro Cerberus' town?"

"Last I checked, your guild name was Quatro Puppy."

Bacchus laughed loudly, barely staying on his stool. "That was just for the magic games — d'you think we'd honestly change our guild name to that?"

Cana shot him another glare and shuffled over. "Fine. Am I not allowed to drink after a job?"

Bacchus shrugged. "Dunno. Don't care. I'm just wondering why such a fine woman as yourself is alone while drinking?"

Cana shuffled over a few more feet. To which Bacchus effortlessly followed.

"I'm not yet drunk enough to talk about that much, puppy."

Bacchus shrugged and called over the bartender. "Two rounds of your strongest tequila, if you please."

Cana saw his smirk, but grinned. "It's gonna take a little more than just tequila to make me talk."

"Then I'll order a double round."

Soon enough, the bartender came with four shot glasses. He eyed the two, but left soon enough. Neither of them had a drunken blush; despite their previous amount of drinks.

"Let's see if Fairy here can make it ten rounds with Jose Cuervo."

Cana guffawed. "Fairy? Well, this Fairy hopes the puppy can keep up!"

Each with a grin, the first shots went down easy. Cana didn't flinch at the taste, and Bacchus reached for the next. The second, third, fourth, and fifth rounds went down one after the other. Each kept up with the other. Just as the drunken blush was coming through, Cana paused mid-shot.

"Wha's wrong?" Bacchus started to slur. "You losing it?"

Cana shook her head, but only briefly. It hurt her brain. "How many rounds has this been? Least ten..."

"Whatever!" Bacchus laughed. "Let's keep on drinkin'."

Cana laughed. "You're a funny guy — you know that, puppy?"

"Well, thank you." Bacchus tried to bow, but almost fell of his stool. Howling his head off in laughter he got himself back up again. "It's truly an honor to be complimented by such a unique fairy!"

"Heehee!" Cana tried not to pee herself. The strong tequila was taking effect — but she still had a head on her shoulders. "C'mon, one more round!"

When the bartender was called over, he eyed the two. Yet he still gave them one more shot. Cana took it without a flinch. Bacchus picked up his glass but as he tried to take it, he threw the liquor all over his face. He sputtered a laugh as he almost fell backwards again. Cana grinned.

"I beat ya — sucker!"

Bacchus tried to protest, but all he succeeded in doing was hiccuping. Cana laughed even harder at that. Eventually, Bacchus got his feet under him and stood up. He was shaky. Yet his feet stayed under him.

"Milady -" he briefly tried a bow, but soon stopped. He tipped forward and back before he regained his balance. "May I offer the lady a bed for the night?"

Cana giggled at his outstretched hand. But she took it anyway. "I s'pose it could be fun. But no funny business, puppy!"

"Course not." Bacchus stood up a little straighter. Or as straight as a severely drunken man could.

Cana laughed as she waved goodbye to the bartender. He glared at them until Bacchus dropped some coins on the bar. "Hereyougo" he mumbled.

The two howled with laughter as they left the bar. Cana had her arm wrapped around Bacchus' — whether it was to keep her or him standing didn't matter. One could not stand without the other. Bacchus laughed a little louder.

"Fairy, y'make a great drinking buddy — or girlie."

Cana squeezed his arm and giggled. "You're the only one I haven't ever drunk under the table. We should do this again!"

"Ehhhh, that's not a bad idea!"

Laughing, they both fell over on the curb.  

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