It's Five O'clock Somewhere

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"I'm done!" Cana cried as she dropped her cards into her purse. Glaring at her rowdy guild mates, Cana slammed the guild door shut behind her. Gildarts watched in shame as his daughter stormed off.

"I'm going to a real bar!"

Her last words echoed in everyone's mind. Especially Mira's as she glanced at the clock. She sighed, and shook her head. It's not even noon yet.

But that didn't bother Cana. She stormed down the streets of Magnolia with no fear. People moved out of her way as they saw her. Her shoulders were bunched, and her hand gripped her purse tightly. Her face wasn't happy; Cana was even sure that there was at least one vein popping on her forehead.

Damn brats. Don't know how to keep a good drinking atmosphere. Cana turned into the first bar she saw. It was nearly empty at this time of day. And the bartender was washing up some glasses from the previous night's work.

"Vodka. Now." Cana grumbled to the bartender.

He shot her a look for ruining his quiet time, but got her the drink. He plunked down the small glass, and someone else plunked down beside Cana. And she could already smell the booze on him.

"Whaddya want, Bacchus?"

He shrugged, and ordered a drink for himself; chilled sake. "Is there something wrong with drinking after the job?"

The bartender frowned as he handed Bacchus his drink. "You know, most people drink when it's later in the day — say, five o'clock."

Bacchus laughed and brushed the bartender away. "It's five o'clock somewhere, buddy. Let us be."

Cana glared as Bacchus turned back to her. Her chuckled, and poked her cheek.

"I didn't think you were an angry drunk. That's not good at all. Not good at all."

Cana pushed his hand away. Turning back to her drink, she downed it all. And she called for another.

"I'm just not drunk yet. So leave me alone."

"Nope!" Bacchus grinned. And calling to the bartender, "Two shots of Jose Cuervo, sir!"

Cana raised an eyebrow, but accepted the drink. She drank it slower — allowing the bitter taste to travel along her mouth. She shuddered briefly, but downed it all. Bacchus watched her carefully.

"So I finished a job, why are you here?"

"Rowdy guild." Was all she offered.

"Ah." Bacchus sighed. "So you come here. At noon."

Cana grimaced, and turned to look at Bacchus. "You said it yourself; it's five o'clock somewhere."

Bacchus raised his hands in surrender. "No need to make excuses with me. I drink all the time too."

Cana rolled her eyes. Calling for another shot, the bartender brought both of them one. As Cana handed one to Bacchus, he smiled.

"You do care!"

"Shut up, puppy. Just take the shot."

Bacchus admitted defeat and took the shot. Cana took it all in one gulp. But as it slid over Bacchus' tongue, he gagged. Barely swallowing it, he coughed.

"What- what on Earth was that?" He cried.

Cana fell back laughing, smacking the table in her efforts to stay up. "That, puppy, was a special mixture of my own invention."

Gagging a bit more, the bartender brought Bacchus some water. He chugged it all in an effort to get back his breathing. "That... Is some strong liquor, Fairy."

"You gonna fall under the table this time?" She chuckled.

Bacchus shook his head strongly. And then took a second for the room to stop spinning. "Nah. That'll never happen."

"You want a bet?" Cana chuckled, calling for a beer. "I'm willing to make one."

Bacchus raised an eyebrow curiously. "What'll the stakes be?"

"Loser pays for the drinks." Cana smirked.

Briefly, Bacchus' smile fell. He could feel the wad of cash from his job in his pocket. It was supposed to pay his tab at another bar. Yet as he looked at Cana — sitting there with a huge smirk on her face — he forgot it.


"Bartender!" Cana called, grinning from ear to ear. "Your strongest mixes, please!"

The bartender rolled his eyes as he went into the back. As Bacchus heard him mixing the drinks, and as he saw Cana's grin, he couldn't help but feel he would be leaving with empty pockets.

But, I don't really care.

With a loud laugh, Bacchus welcomed the first round of booze.

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