Stupid Head

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"Stupid head!" Lucy yelled as she slammed the door behind her. She didn't bother to look back, she knew just what face he would be making. It was a pitiful sight for her to see.

Stomping down into town, Lucy crossed her arms. He had annoyed her for too long this time. Too much; and Lucy was done with it. With a sigh, she turned to head for the guild. Levy would know what to do. Or at least someone would.

When she opened the door, her friends turned to face her. Levy held Nayeli on her lap, gently bouncing her up and down. Gajeel was nowhere to be seen — he was probably on a job somewhere. Levy smiled, but when she saw the frown on her friends face, she sighed.

"What's wrong, Lu-chan?"

With a groan, Lucy flopped onto the bench. Nayeli giggled as Lucy leaned back to look at her friend.

"It's that idiot."

"Again?" Levy sighed. "What did he do this time?"

Turning to face her friend, Lucy did not look happy. She hadn't even brushed her hair yet. And her shirt was put on backwards.

"It must have been something really important for you to be like this." Levy motioned to Lucy's overall appearance.

"That idiot-" Lucy practically growled. "Didn't know what day it was."

"Lu-chan," Levy giggled. "Natsu never knows what day it is."

Lucy stared at her friend. Levy couldn't hold back the giggles, and soon Nayeli was laughing too. Groaning, Lucy dropped her head to the table.

"Nice to know you find my marital troubles entertaining.". She grumbled.

Levy quickly stopped giggling and shushed Nayeli. She went to pat Lucy's head. Lucy didn't move, and quietly accepted it.

"Sorry, Lu-chan." She apologized. "But what made today so different from any other day for him?"

Lucy suddenly looked up at Levy. "It's today! Our second anniversary. I had to tell him that!"

Levy groaned. "That is bad."

"But it gets worse!" Lucy whined. "After I told him, he said 'so what'!"

"Oof," Levy shivered. "This is bad."


She shivered as she heard his yell. The door banged open, knocking it off its already damaged hinges. Master Makarov — from way in the back by the bar — yelled at Natsu.

"I was just about to fix that, you brat!"

"Well, you can fix it now!" He yelled back.

Lucy took this brief moment to escape. She waved goodbye to her friend, whispering "I don't want to talk to him right now." Levy sighed as she watched the blond leave the guild through a back door. And Natsu came up behind her, giving her a start.


"Natsu!" She tried to look cheerful, but could barely hide the shiver she felt. "What are you doing here?"

"It smells like Lucy. Where'd she go?" He demanded.

Levy was sitting there, trying to think of something, but with Natsu there, it was hard. He was staring at her intensely. Levy imagined that was what he looked like when he got mad. The corners of his mouth were turned down, and his eyebrows sat low above his eyes. He wouldn't look away.

"Wah!" Nayeli started to cry, hugging her mother tightly. "Scary!"

With a glare from Levy, Natsu's expression changed. His face seemed softer, and he leaned down to Nayeli's level. He smiled, barely showing his pointed teeth. Gently, Natsu began to pet Nayeli's head.

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