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Erza held the bundle closer to her chest. Jellal sat across from her in the train cabin, and smiled at her. It was a small smile - Jellal never really smiled, but for Erza this was enough. He kept looking at the bundle that she held in her arms. She smiled back, and moved to pass the bundle over. Jellal took it, and as he did, it shifted.

The blanket was moved off of the baby's face. Erza couldn't help but smile at her child. Jellal's child. The baby's tiny hands reached out for something, and her mouth was searching for something.

"Sorry," Jellal passed the baby back. "She wants food."

Erza chuckled as she held her child close. Carefully, Erza took of the breast plate of her armor and set it aside. As she set up to feed her, Jellal watched.

His wife. Despite all they had gone through and suffered, here they were. Together. Married. And now parents together.

"Erza," Jellal started.

Erza looked up, holding the baby carefully under a blanket so she could feed in peace.

"What should we name her?" Jellal asked.

Erza peeked under the blanket at the feeding baby. Her hair was a silvery purple, and her eyes were a strong green. Her skin was pale, yet she seemed already so strong.

Jellal watched his wife look at their child. He couldn't see her, but had already memorized what she looked like. Her hair that stuck out at weird angles,  the way she held her fists, and her face. Her face was soft, exactly like her mother's. Jellal could tell she would grow up to be just like her mother. Strong.

"Subaru." Erza looked up. "We should name her Subaru."

Jellal looked at his wife curiously. Her face was certain, with a small smile while looking at him. 

"Why Subaru?"

Erza chuckled. "It means 'to unite'. I think she perfectly describes us."

Jellal looked at his daughter as she finished eating. Her hair, purple, was a mix of his blue and Erza's red hair. Her green eyes took after him, but her features took after Erza. And the mere fact that she was alive was testament to his and Erza's love.

Jellal chuckled. "Subaru. That's the perfect name."

Erza passed Subaru over to Jellal, and she grasped tightly at his cloak. He held his daughter close. Even through the bundle he could feel her tiny heart beating. Her eyes stared at her father, and Jellal could feel tears in his eyes. 

The train stopped suddenly, and Jellal tried not to fall over. Erza stood up, and pulled down their bags from the overhead bin. Jellal stood up, taking one hand to hold a bag, and the other to keep Subaru close. He and Erza opened the door, and began to walk down the train aisle. As they exited the train, they saw Meredy waiting on the station. She was waving furiously and had a magic car. As Erza and Jellal came closer, she grinned.

"Hope the delivery went well, Erza! Now, let's bring this baby home!"

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