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  "Tell me," She asked. "Why are these here?"

He looked at her. Her silhouette was heavy in the sunset. But he could still see her long hair sway as she swung lightly. He could hear the creaks of the old swing set. It calmed him, and he removed his hood. He pushed a little harder and went a little higher.

"Erza," Jellal chuckled to himself. "Don't question it — just accept that there's a swing set here."

She laughed, and started to swing higher too. The set swayed with its riders and even Erza was fearful that it could break. Holding tightly to the rusty chains, Erza looked over at Jellal.

The sun was shining brightly on him. It was no trouble to see him clearly. His hair was extra ruffled from the slight breeze created by the swing. His tattoo seemed so bright in the light; Erza could understand why he made sure it was always hidden well. But, for once, he was smiling under the sun. And he was even laughing a bit.

"Erza — you know what?"


"These swings. I don't know why they're here. It makes no sense for them to be here."

He looked out over the cliff that was just in front of them. It really didn't make sense. But it did create a beautiful view. The cliffs were tucked away in the mountains, but they were nothing like the surrounding mountains. They were red sandstone, and they made the most miraculous shapes. The bottom of the cliffs twisted along for miles. It even contained colorful flowers, as if there was a rainbow at the bottom of the cliffs.

Erza chuckled. "Yes. This seems a silly place to put a swing set."

"But," Jellal paused. "You know what would be even sillier to put here?"

Erza stayed silent. Jellal took a minute to look around. It was a beautiful place, with the sun setting on the red stones. Even the old swing set looked at home with all of its red rust. Red rust that matched Erza's hair.

"Jellal?" She prodded. "You were saying?"

"Oh, yeah," He chuckled. "The thing that would be sillier than a swing set here. It would be a house, wouldn't it?"

Erza paused in her swinging and let herself stay still. "Why, yes. That would be true."

Jellal paused for a minute. It was only the breeze that he heard. There were no towns near. And the scenery was pretty.

"We should build our house here, Erza."

She chuckled. "This would fit our needs perfectly."

"So it's settled then?"

"Yes. Yes, it is."  

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