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  Lucy grinned as she walked into the guild. She could see Natsu at one of the tables, his shoulders hunched and his food untouched. Lucy held her bag closer to her chest as she walked up behind Natsu.

"Boo!" She cried.

Natsu flinched, and brought his fists up. Once the start was cleared from his eyes, he slowly lowered his fists. He plastered a grin on his face for Lucy. "Yo! Luce, what's up?"

She proudly pushed the bag towards Natsu without a word. He eyed it carefully, and gave a raised eyebrow to Lucy. She only giggled, and motioned for him to open it. So, that's what Natsu did. He pulled out the papers that covered the gift, and looked into the bag. Staring quizzically, he pulled it out.

"What ~?" Natsu exclaimed. He held up the fabric towards Lucy. "What is this?"

Lucy grinned. "It's an apron!"

"Why would I need an apron?"

"So you can cook!" Lucy replied.

"I- don't cook, Lucy." Natsu stated. "I eat at the guild, you know that."

Lucy's hands dropped to her sides. Her face looked determined. "I was thinking you could learn to cook. It's a good skill to have."

Natsu grunted, "But Mira can cook. Why should I learn to cook?"

Lucy huffed, and gave up. She marched out of the guild without another word to Natsu. He watched as she made her way out of the guild. Natsu stared at the closed doors. What was up with her? Natsu turned back to his food. He picked up his fork, and started to eat. He may not have understood her, but at least he was in a better mood. E.N.D. had certainly brought his mood down, but Lucy would always bring it back up. As he poked around his plate, Natsu felt someone sit beside him.

"Gee, Natsu, you sure can be clueless." The white haired witch stated.

Natsu looked up to her. Her short hair, her blue eyes. Lisanna. "What do you mean, clueless?"

Lisanna shook her head. "Wow. I feel bad for Lucy."

Natsu begged her to tell him. Lisanna resisted at first, but Natsu began to wear her down. "C'mon. C'mon, c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Please!"

"Fine!" Lisanna threw her hands in the air. "It's obvious you love Lucy."

"Wha ~ ~" Natsu looked around, fearing the pink in his face. "What makes you say that?"

Lisanna looked at Natsu with eyebrows raised. Natsu relented, and begged her to continue. Lisanna sighed, but responded.

"Duh, Lucy loves you too, Natsu." She huffed. "Anyone can see that!"

Natsu looked around the guild. Almost everyone was there. Natsu looked from face to face. "Are you sure? I mean... I'd never think that. Have you seen how she Lucy-Kicks me all the tine?"

Lisanna giggled. "Of course, that's one of the greatest proofs! Really Natsu, you need to work on your understanding of love."

Natsu looked down at his food again. He could feel the swirls in his stomach, but he hoped it was only the fire pasta that he had eaten. He looked once more to the door. Lucy had just left him, all mad. Natsu looked back at Lisanna. No way could she be telling the truth. Natsu looked down at his hands. The apron. He had wrung it tight. He slowly unwrapped it, and placed it on the table.

"You sure?"

"Sure as sure can be." Lisanna promised. "Now, go get her."

With a gentle push, Natsu left the guild. He walked fast, checking all the usual places where he would see Lucy. But it was difficult. Everyone had come to town for the flower festival that would take place tomorrow. As Natsu pushed through the crowds, he found his way to a tree. The petals had already started to show their rainbow hues, but they displayed none of their past brilliance. That would come tomorrow night. But below the tree was something even more brilliant.

It was Lucy. She had laid back against the tree. Her hands hugged her torso as her head fell on her shoulder. Natsu could see her hair move with each breath she took. Her eyes were closed. She looked peaceful to Natsu. He passed his hand quickly through her hair. Lucy shuffled, but showed no signs of waking up. Natsu looked back to the tree.

So, Lucy loves me, eh? The petals slowly started to fall around them. Natsu watched as they fell. Each petal caught on the breeze and flew around before it landed. Natsu saw the river behind the tree. It was completely covered with petals. As he watched the petals fall around Lucy, he could feel the wheels in his brain turning. His hand clutched at the apron. Natsu was cooking up a plan.  

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