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Gael looked out the window. The rain was pouring and there was lighting. But the lightning made it better. There was never lightning when it rained for the Fullbuster women. Looking away from the window, Gael saw her parents getting ready to leave for the night.

Her mom was all done up - although lightly. She only wore the faintest hint of make up, and her navy dress was plain; but form fitting. Gael's father wore a gray pair of dress pants with a white collared shirt. As per usual, it wasn't done up all the way. As Gael made her way to the door she made sure to pick up a few shirts and pants that her father had abandoned throughout the week.

Gael smiled at her parents as they looked down at her. "Have a good night!"

Juvia smiled, and reached down. She held her daughter's chin and kissed her cheek. Her skin was cool - like the rain. "Gray-sama and Juvia will not be gone long. Can Gael-chan stay home alone alright?"

Gray pulled his wife's arm, and she stood up. He chuckled, and ruffled Gael's hair. "She'll be okay, Juvia."

Juvia looked at her child, and gave her another kiss. 

"I'll be okay, mom." Gael pushed her parents towards the door. "Go out and have your date night."

Once they were gone, Gael locked the door. She stood on her tip toes to lock it. She was still a kid, but she did it. As soon as it was locked, Gael headed straight for her parents bedroom. She wanted to keep reading what she had found. It was a thin notebook underneath the mattress on her mother's side. Once she had it in her hands, Gael flipped to the page she had left off on. Mother's diary.

"Gray-sama and Juvia went on a mission today. Juvia was excited because Gray-sama asked Juvia to come along! Gray-sama said that he needed Juvia for the job. Juvia helped as much as Juvia could. It was an easy job. Juvia doesn't understand why Gray-sama needed Juvia. Did he need Juvia because Juvia is Juvia? Juvia hopes so."

Gael kept reading. There was an entry right after that. 

"Juvia could die of happiness! Gray-sama asked Juvia out on a date! Juvia did not know that Juvia's love was returned!

Gray-sama and Juvia will have a date once Gray-sama and Juvia are back in Magnolia. Juvia looks forward to the date! Gray-sama has promised to take Juvia ice-skating. Juvia has never been ice-skating. Juvia hopes Juvia doesn't embarrass Juvia."

The next entry was obviously from after the date.

"Juvia is so happy! Gray-sama taught Juvia how to ice-skate. It is really difficult. Juvia did not like to fall. It hurt to fall. But every time Juvia fell, Gray-sama would pick Juvia back up. Gray-sama even ended up skating hand in hand with Juvia! Juvia almost had a nosebleed on the ice. 

But Gray-sama was so careful with Juvia. He kept asking if Juvia was cold, and needed his jacket. Oh! Juvia saw Gray-sama wearing the scarf that Juvia made for Gray-sama. Juvia is surprised that he still has it - but it makes Juvia so happy to see it!"

Gael kept on reading through her parent's history. There were a few entries that she had to skip over; there were some things that she didn't want to know. But there was one entry that stood out to her.

"Juvia has news. Juvia hasn't told Gray-sama yet, but Juvia is worried. Juvia does not know what Gray-sama will think.  Juvia will tell him as soon as Gray-sama gets home. Juvia hopes it does not take long."

What? Gael thought. What's this about?

"Juvia has just finished talking with Gray-sama. He is happy! Gray-sama is really happy. Juvia is really happy now, too. Juvia cannot wait to tell her friends. Juvia is pregnant! Juvia and Gray-sama will have a family! Juvia cannot wait for Juvia and Gray-sama's child to be born. And Juvia wants another child as soon as Juvia can have another child."

Gael kept reading. It was about her! But as she kept reading, there was one note that she could barely read - the letters were smudged by water stains.

"Juvia is sad. Gray-sama has tried to comfort Juvia, but Juvia is not sure if it is working. The rain is still falling. Juvia is happy, yes, because Juvia has a child - Gray-sama's child, Gael-chan. But Juvia can have no more children. Gray-sama doesn't want Juvia to have anymore children. Juvia is sad.

Juvia knew Gray-sama wanted a family. And all Juvia can do is what Juvia has done. 

But Gray-sama said it was okay. Gray-sama held Juvia close, and wiped the tears from Juvia's eyes. Juvia can still feel Gray-sama's hug. Gray-sama said he did not want Juvia to be in pain like that again. Gray-sama said he loves Juvia.

Juvia has decided. Juvia will no longer be sad. Gray-sama has said that he loves Juvia. Gael-chan will be Gray-sama's and Juvia's family. Juvia will give her all to show how much Gael-chan and Gray-sama mean to her. Juvia will love them with all Juvia can."

Gael felt a tear run down her cheek. Quickly, she wiped them off. She read the note again, and smiled.

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