Shattered Ice

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Gray looked across the guild. She had just returned. With her perfect looks, and curvaceous body, it didn't take long for her to take Gray's breath away. It didn't take long for her to completely take Gray's heart. He watched as she walked in with her team. They all sat down, but she waved goodbye. Gray knew where she was going. She was going to the river.

Once she left the guild, Gray stood up. He followed her a few steps behind. He didn't know what to say. Trying to take a deep breath, he caught her attention. She looked behind her and saw Gray. She smiled at him, and hopped off the small wall beside the river.

"Gray!" She looked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Lucy," Gray wavered. He looked to the river for a brief second. Damn, this is hard.

"What's up, Gray?" Lucy looked at him.

Gray looked in her eyes. The words that were caught in his throat finally made their way out. "Will you go out with me?"

Lucy felt her heart drop as he said those words. "Oh, Gray..."

It didn't take much for Gray to know her answer.  "Yeah, I get it." He began to walk away.

Lucy was left there, watching him leave. She knew she should say something. But she just didn't know what. The only thing that could make him happy was yes. And that was the one thing she couldn't say.

Gray paused. He turned around, and looked at her. The girl he loved. Who didn't love him back. Gray knew it, somewhere deep inside. He knew there was someone else. "Who?"

Lucy looked at him. She didn't understand.

"Who is it?" He repeated. "Is it the Flamer?"

Lucy saw the twinge of pain in his face as he said it. Gray didn't have to repeat his question this time. She knew.

"Yeah." Lucy sighed. "It's Natsu."

Gray scoffed. It was as if he couldn't stop chuckling to himself. Lucy watched curiously as he laughed.

"You're more screwed than me!" He laughed as he walked away.

Gray kept laughing but as he got farther away it got harder to keep laughing. He could imagine it - Lucy asking out Natsu. But each time he thought of it, he lost a little bit of his laughter. He started to cry. Gray didn't know why, but each tear froze and fell, shattering on the ground.

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