She Will Be Loved

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A/N Music Video is "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5

"You're more screwed than me!" Gray laughed as he walked away from Lucy.

He kept laughing but as he got farther away it got harder to keep laughing. He could imagine it - Lucy asking out Natsu. But each time he thought of it, he lost a little bit of his laughter. He started to cry. Gray didn't know why, but each tear froze and fell, shattering on the ground.

Juvia froze. Her hands clutched at the building she was hiding by. She didn't care as she felt her nails rip on the hard stone. She didn't care as she felt her tears well up. She didn't care as people walked by, slowly noticing this blue woman.

But what she did care about was Gray. Juvia watched - heart heavy - as he walked away. Each teardrop that fell from his face was forever frozen in her memory. The face he made as he asked Lucy who she really loved - Juvia couldn't get his pain off her mind. Lucy was still there, standing on the riverside. And Juvia wished she would fall in. But for once, the water wouldn't do what she wanted it to do. It wouldn't sweep Lucy away, and the rain wouldn't stop.

Gray walked away, trying to keep the tears off his face. Each shatter he heard wouldn't go away. But he looked up at the sky; it had started to rain. The rain was cold - almost as cold as his tears. But it wouldn't freeze like them. Gray stood and let the rain fall on his face. It washed away his tears, and the cold was a welcome feeling. He stood there until he could no longer feel the tears on his face. But Gray could not get rid of the feeling of sadness. This rain is so damn depressing.

Juvia was still there, watching Gray. Every fiber of her being was willing the rain to stop, but it would not. And with each rain drop that fell, Juvia could feel a tear fall down her face. It was too much - her Gray was no longer hers. Turning quickly, Juvia began to run. She ran through the alleyway, and past the park. She ran past the guild, and out of Magnolia. She tried to run away from the rain. And the rain followed her.

Gray looked up, noticing the rain again. It's moving. As he watched it begin to move, he saw the flash of blue. He knew that blue from the corner of his eye. His heart dropped as her name came to mind. Juvia. Gray turned heel, and followed her.

Once Juvia reached the outside of the town, her knees crumbled beneath her. She could see the city below her as it spread underneath the hill she had run up. Juvia watched as each rain drop ran down the hill and towards the city. Trying to wipe her tears away, she willed the rain to stop. But it wouldn't.


She turned at the sound of his voice. As she saw his face, she was grateful. The pain wasn't there anymore - it had been replaced with worry. Worry for Juvia. She tried to smile, and brushed her tears away again.

"Gray-sa..." She froze briefly. "Juvia is embarrassed. This hasn't happened in a long time."

Gray walked up to her and pulled her to her feet. As soon as she was up, Juvia pulled her arm from Gray's hand. The sudden coldness on his hand once she did was strange to Gray.

"C'mon. You're better than this." Gray tried. "It's been what, a year since it lasted rained for you?"

Juvia tried to laugh, but she feared it sounded more like a cry. "Juvia said that Juvia is embarrassed."

Gray raised an eyebrow and looked to the rain. "So. How do you make it stop? You musta found some way to do it."

Juvia looked away. She couldn't stand to look Gray in the eye. "Well, Juvia thought love was the answer. But..." She sighed. "Juvia got rejected."

Gray felt the pang in his heart. He winced, but barely. "Waddaya mean, got rejected? You're a Fairy Tail Wizard, no way can anyone argue with how good you are."

Chuckling lightly, Juvia tucked her hair behind her ear. She could feel the rain slowing. "Well, Juvia guesses she isn't great enough."

Gray shrugged. "Then it's his loss. Don't worry, you'll find someone."

Gray wrapped his arm around Juvia's shoulders, and rubbed her arm. Juvia tried not to let this affection from Gray remind her of the pain she had just felt. She smiled weakly, and looked up at Gray. "Juvia will be loved eventually, correct?"

"Of course." Gray grinned. "Now look, the rain's almost gone. That's great. The rain is always so depressing."

Juvia flinched, but remembered what she had just said. Juvia will be loved. She will be loved.

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