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Natsu rolled over in bed. He gently wrapped his arms around Lucy's waist and pulled her closer. She made little movement, and let her husband hug her. Natsu rested his head on the back of her head. Her hair smelled like vanilla.

"Good morning, Luce."


Lucy picked up her pillow and placed it over her head. She tried not to move too much. Her head was thumping and everything made it hurt. Natsu watched this. So, he gently lifted the pillow and looked at Lucy. Without a word she pulled the pillow back down.

"Hey. Hey, Luce. Have you grown tired of me already?"

Lucy pushed his face away. She felt bad, but then again her head felt worse. And Natsu was not the best person to be around with a headache. "Go away. I have a headache."

Natsu huffed, but got up anyway. Trying his best, he stayed quiet while getting dressed. As he was pulling on his jacket, he froze. Both him and Lucy looked towards the open door.

A quiet sound could be heard. It was the wail of a baby. Lucy groaned, and started to move. But Natsu pushed her back into the bed.

"I'll get him. You have a headache, right?"

Lucy sighed and curled up again. I'll take it.

Natsu left the room and headed for the nursery. Nashi was in his cradle, flailing his arms about and crying. Natsu flinched as his ears picked up the noise. Crying babies were not kind to dragon's hearing. Still, Natsu gently picked Nashi up and held him close. He rocked him slowly, and brushed his hands through Nashi's growing hair.

"Shh, Momma needs to sleep."

Nashi kept crying, and Natsu closed his eyes. Loud kid. He tried shushing him again, but it didn't work. Groaning, Natsu reached into the cradle to pick up Nashi's toy dragon. Nashi wouldn't take him. Natsu held Nashi closer and put his son's head over his shoulder. Natsu rubbed Nashi's back gently.

"Nashi, be quiet, okay?"

Nashi did stop crying. Natsu felt his tiny hands stretching out for the pink hair. Nashi gripped it tightly, and wouldn't let it go. Natsu just stood there holding his son. He gently rocked back and forth, trying to think of what else he could do. He could hear his son's whimpers. Sighing, Natsu pulled his son away and looked at him.

Nashi was still small, and his skin had only just lost the pinkness of a newborn. His hair had started to grow in, and it was a bright blond. But it could not be tamed; sticking up already in its frail way. Natsu still didn't know the color of his eyes, but had been lectured enough to not try to open Nashi's eyes.

Once Nashi stopped crying, Natsu laid him in the crib. As he turned away, he stopped. Nashi's tiny hand was holding tightly onto his father's finger. Smiling, Natsu turned back, and watched his son. All at once, Nashi's head turned towards Natsu. And his eyes opened.

"Lu-" Natsu began to call, but froze. Lucy had a headache. So Natsu looked at his son.

Brown. His eyes were brown. Nashi's eyes were huge, and Natsu couldn't help but see Lucy in him. They had the same eyes, after all. They were both a warm chocolaty brown, but with a fierce streak in them. Natsu grinned, and gently rubbed his son's head.

"You're gonna be a fighter, aren't ya?" He chuckled. "Just like your momma."

Nashi grinned, and giggled ever so slightly. 

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