Daddy's Little Girl

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"Gajeel — it's your turn." Levy groaned as she rolled over in bed. She hugged a pillow tightly over her ears to block out the sobs.

"Okay, okay." Gajeel sighed. "I'll get her."

Groggily, Gajeel stood up. he could feel himself sway — he hadn't had a good night's sleep in months. After the challenges of a baby, Gajeel never expected the toddler to be worse. So he left the room, holding onto the walls so he wouldn't fall over. At the end of the hallway was Nayeli's room. Just the week before, it had been painted a bright pink. Nayeli had even convinced Levy to buy her a bunch of stuffies. And it was one of these stuffies that Gajeel saw first.

His daughter hugged a giant teddy bear tightly. Her tiny hands just barely held onto the other. But Gajeel could see the tears on his daughter's cheeks. With a big sigh, he sat down next to his daughter on her tiny bed. It creaked under his weight at first but held his weight. Gajeel ruffled his daughter's hair.

"What's up, Nayeli?"

She pushed her face deeper into the stuffy.

"C'mon now, won't you tell daddy what's wrong?"

She shook her head. Gajeel watched as the teddy bear shuffled with his daughter's movements. Quietly, Gajeel pulled his daughter into his side. His hand rubbed her shoulder in an effort to comfort her.

"C'mon, princess. Do you think your daddy isn't strong enough to help you?"

He saw Nayeli briefly shake her head.

"Alright then, so tell me what's wrong."

Nayeli didn't say anything. But she turned towards her dad and hugged him instead of her stuffy. Gajeel chuckled lightly at his daughter. "C'mon, tell me what's wrong."

"It's scary, daddy."

"What is?"

Gajeel felt his daughter shudder next to him. Nayeli hugged him tighter and started to cry again. Twisting around, Gajeel held his daughter tightly. He pet her head and pulled her under his chin.

"It's okay, daddy's here. Nothing will be scary anymore."

Nayeli looked up at her daddy. His hair was ruffled from sleep, and his nails shone in the moonlight from her window. But despite his harsh looks, he was still her daddy. Her strong daddy. She hugged him tighter.

"I had a nightmare, daddy." She cried.

"Aw," Gajeel groaned. "That sucks."

"I dreamed that you were gone."

Gajeel froze. He hugged his daughter even tighter. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

"Mommy and I couldn't find you. You had gone away in this scary maze. We couldn't find our way out."

"Mommy and I will always be there for you, Nayeli. Don't worry."

"But mommy's not as strong as you, daddy!"

Gajeel chuckled. "Don't worry, mommy's strong too."

"No!" Nayeli cried. Gajeel felt her pulling at his hair. "Daddy's stronger! Daddy keeps us safe."

Gajeel slowly pulled away from his daughter. He could still see streaks on her cheeks, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. Every second the streaks became fainter. Grinning, Gajeel looked at his daughter. She had her mother's eyes — eyes that liked to shine in defiance.

"Okay, okay. Don't worry; Daddy will always protect you and mommy."

Nayeli slumped a little and held out her pinky finger. "You promise?"

"I Promise."

Gajeel wrapped his large pinky around his daughter's smaller one. With a smiled, she laid back down in bed. Gajeel stood up and tucked her in. Nayeli watched as her father left the room. Once Gajeel had shut the door, he couldn't stop smiling to himself. Levy is gonna be so annoyed.

When he returned to his and Levy's room, he saw Levy sitting up in bed. She was propped up on her elbows. But even through the sheets, Gajeel saw the little bump that was her stomach. As he climbed back into bed, he couldn't help but put his hand on the baby bump.

"Y'know, Levy," He grinned. "I'm excited for this baby."

Levy giggled as her husband laid down next to her. "Of course you are — Our family's growing bigger."

"Nah," Gajeel chuckled. "I'm excited for more than that."

Levy cocked her head in confusion. "Why?"

"It looks like Nayeli is a Daddy's girl — I hope this one is too!"

"Hey!" Levy cried as Gajeel rolled over. "What do you mean, she's daddy's girl? What about mommy's girl? What about me?"

Gajeel shrugged without looking at his wife. He could already feel the glare on his back. But it didn't bother him. "I meant what I said. She's daddy's little girl."

Levy huffed. She knew he was teasing her. So, she rolled back over in bed. Her stomach stopped her from getting truly comfortable. But she rested her hand gently on her stomach. You better be mommy's little girl or boy.

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