Thank You

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"Come on, Natsu!" Lucy pulled at her husband even faster.

"What's the big deal, Luce?" Natsu watched his feet on the rocky path down into Magnolia. On one hand, he had Lucy pulling him. On the other hand, he held Nashi closely.

And Nashi himself was holding onto his stuffed dragon. He wore a blue onesie, and his hair was sticking up all over the place.

Lucy pulled harder on her husband's arm. "We're gonna be late!"

"For what?" Natsu cried.

Lucy didn't answer. She just pulled harder. Natsu groaned, and decided to pull back. With a yelp, Lucy fell back and onto her husband. With his free hand, Natsu held her close. Grinning, he held his face inches from hers. Lucy could feel the heat from both of their faces.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" He nuzzled her nose.

Lucy tried not to sneeze. "They're doing something at the guild — something I think we should do. Now let me go!"

Natsu grinned. He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. She wiggled her nose, trying to calm the urge to sneeze.

"Alright, but don't pull me."

Lucy grumbled, but led her husband gently by the hand towards the guild. When they arrived, Natsu stopped. He recognized this setup. They had been to the guild before.

The assortment of lights, the different cameras and backgrounds, and that Jason fellow running around all excited. Lucy waved at Jason, and he waved back. Jason ran up to the family, a huge smile on his face.

"It's so COOL!" He cried. "You're a mom! COOL!"

Lucy brushed aside his remarks to continue. Natsu couldn't help but twitch. Jeez, this guy's annoying.

"Jason, can you take a few pictures for us? And not for the magazine?" Lucy asked.

Jason paused briefly, but was soon back to himself. "Private photo shoot; COOL!"

Lucy gently shooed her husband towards one of the tables in the guild. Lucy sat down on the bench, while Natsu stood confused next to her. Nashi reached down for his momma and Natsu passed him over. Nashi sat quietly on his mother's knee playing with Atlas.

Jason came up and began to instruct them.

"Lucy-san, sit just like this-" He demonstrated by sitting down himself with his legs crossed. Then, he grabbed one of Natsu's hand. "And Natsu-san, put your hand right on her shoulder — here. COOL!"

Jason stepped back to admire his work. Natsu felt stupid, just awkwardly holding his wife's shoulder. But Lucy looked up at him and smiled.

"This won't take long."

A sudden flash went off, and Natsu looked towards it dazed. Jason had a camera pointing towards the family, and he had the flash in his hand.

"Just try to look happy — So COOL!"

Natsu smiled grimly and looked down at his wife, mouthing a simple question — why?

Lucy chuckled to herself as she held Nashi closer. "You'll thank me for this later."

Natsu chuckled at his wife. After all, she was smiling, why shouldn't he? So he grinned. Being with family is the best.

Jason took one more shoot. "COOL!" He shouted as he saw the result. The family was called up to look at it. Lucy smiled as she saw it and in her arms, Nashi stared curiously. Natsu looked at it — bewildered.

"A Family Photo?" He asked.

"Yup." Lucy grinned. "So we can always look back on this time with a smile."

"Huh." Natsu nodded in agreement with his wife.

Lucy chuckled, and held her husband's hand with her free hand. "I said you can thank me later."

"It's later, Natsu."

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