Water and Ice

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  Juvia rolled over in bed. Her comforter was heavy and it kept her warm — but it was too much. She pushed it away and splayed out. Her nightgown flopped over her thighs, and Juvia's hands touched a doll. She looked at it briefly, then pulled it close.

"Gray-sama ~ ! What should Juvia do today?"

She pretended to put the stuffy up next to her ear. 'Listening' closely, she paused. A smile bloomed across her face as she sat up in bed. Squeezing the stuffy in a hug, Juvia giggled.

"Gray-sama always has the best ideas!"

As she jumped out of bed, Juvia carefully put the stuffy down. The little Gray sat quietly on her pillow as Juvia got changed. Her nightgown was replaced by a tight navy-colored pencil skirt and black stockings. She threw on a white tank top and a jean vest. And on her neck was a small necklace — a silver water droplet. Juvia had found it only a few days ago in a small store.

As she brushed her hand over the necklace, Juvia could feel her heart beat. "Juvia hopes Gray-sama like Juvia's necklace."

She quickly put on a pair of brown ankle boots and headed out the door. With a smile, she waved at the stuffy still sitting on her pillow.

"Gray-sama ~ ! Wish Juvia luck!" Once she closed the door, the small stuffy fell over.

Juvia hummed quietly as she walked down the street. She was in a good mood, and nothing could wreck it.


"Gray, truth or dare?"

He had flinched when he heard Erza speak those words. Why, out of all people, did he accept a dare from Erza; especially after Gajeel had asked him a truth. Gray knew it was dumb — but he took the dare anyway. And so here he was. Sitting at a table in the guild — shirt on and everything — waiting for the water woman. As she opened the doors to the guild, Gray leaned over to whisper.

"Do I really have to do this, Erza?"

She chuckled to herself. "It was a dare. A dare must be completed, unless you want me to find a suitable punishment for not doing the dare?"

Gray shivered. Erza was still Erza. So with a sigh, he headed towards the door.

The rain woman could feel her hips sway as she looked towards Gray. He was staring at her and heading her way. Juvia hoped he could see the extra sway in her hips. She wanted him to see it.

Gray felt himself begin to sweat. Juvia was heading straight for him. Although, there wasn't much else to be expected. It was his own path that was unexpected. But as Gray headed towards Juvia, he saw it. The sway of her hips, the small smile on her face that meant she was planning something, and the small movements of her hair around her face. It was all too familiar to Gray. But as he got closer, he could feel the knot in his stomach grow.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia smiled widely at him. Gray returned a small smile. "How is Gray-sama?"

"I'm good, how are you?" He brushed his hand through his hair. Damn, this is difficult.

Juvia paused for a second. Gray normally brushed her off. This is a good sign. "Juvia is doing well."

Erza and Gajeel chuckled from the bar. They could see the blush on Gray's face from miles away. And Gajeel could see the smile on Juvia's face — he knew what that meant. He quickly ordered some Nachos from Mira. No way was he watching this without a snack.

"Juvia has a question for Gray-sama."
"I wanna ask you somethin'."

Gray and Juvia looked at each other. Each motioned for the other to go first. After a minute of awkwardness, Juvia spoke up.

"Gray-sama should go first."

With a heavy sigh, Gray acknowledged defeat. He briefly dropped his head. He willed his face to cool down, and as it did, he looked Juvia in the eye. Her blue eyes.

"Juvia, I was wondering if you'd like to go in a date with me."

She froze. The entire guild froze. Except there were a few giggles from those who had played truth or dare. Gray kept staring at Juvia waiting for her to act. She merely stood there — too shocked to answer. Finally, with a groan, he gave up.

"Fine, fine. Ignore me. What were you gonna say?"

There were a few sighs and groans from the guild but Gray brushed them off. He just wished that he could brush away the thorn in his chest. There was a brief moment as Juvia recollected her thoughts; they were way out there.

"Ju- Juvia was wondering if Gray-sama would like to go see a film with Juvia. As a date."

The guild roared with later. Erza chuckled slightly, Gajeel couldn't help but fall out of his chair. He could barely breathe he was laughing so hard. Gray stood in surprise.

"I- You- " He couldn't get the words out.

Juvia stood there blushing. Gray hadn't answered her, but she didn't really need it.

Once Gajeel reclaimed his ability to breathe, he stood up. Gray and Juvia were doing absolutely nothing but staring at the other in their awkwardness. With a small push, he forced Juvia towards Gray. She fell into his arms with a yelp, and he caught her in his arms. Even then it was still awkward. Gray simply looked at Juvia wide-eyed, and she at him. It was the one moment neither of them could make a noise. Gajeel chuckled some more. And he smacked Gray on the back.

"Go on — catch your film, you damn lovebirds!"

The guild laughed with him as they watched the two slowly leave the guild. There was an awkward moment when Juvia wrapped her arms around Gray's. But he did nothing to remove her. He simply stared forward.

"C'mon." He said gruffly. "What was the film you wanted to go see?"

Gajeel laughed out loud as the door closed behind the two. Erza chuckled quietly as he came and sat back down.

"It's funny," She began. "They both asked the other out on the same day."

"Gihi. Gray needed a bit of a push, but it's no surprise. They're pretty much the same person."

Erza raised an eyebrow at this. "How so?"

Gajeel grinned. "C'mon, you don't know? It's obvious." She shook her head. "They're water and ice!"

She chuckled. "Of course they are."

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