Russia x Northern ireland

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Me and my friend named Crystal came up with this ship and we thought it was cute. Btw, north is a shirt cutie and Russia is a tall scary cutie lol. They're perfect for eachother.

World meeting. Every country has to be here.

U.K. bro's
Northern Ireland: I..I still d-don't get w-why we have t-to be here...
Ireland: stop being a baby north and accept it
Wales: don't worry lil' brother, I'll protect ya!
Northern Ireland: t-thx Wales...
Scotland: hurry up ye twats, ye don't want to be late do ya?
Ireland: hell no!
England: you guys are wankers, I swear.

Russian countries
They just go without a word lol

So does everyone else

World meeting lol

Northern Ireland: I-it's too c-crowded...
Scotland: don't be such a pūssy twat.
England slept scotland
England: what did I say about your words Scotland?
Scotland: mocking voice don't say mean things or you won't get independence
England: good
Scotland: rolls eyes
Wales: big bro! Why do you have to swear all the time?
Scotland: cuz I can
Wales: whatever sits next to Canada
Northern Ireland: whispers I can t-tell this I-isn't going t-to be f-fun
France: oh, bonjour Angleterre~
England: hello frog.
France: your 'air (hair) is always
England: bloody hell frog, I don't care about my hair.
France: sits next to him you got a nice family, 'aven't you?
England: what are saying wanker?
France: well, points to Northern Ireland he's a quiet one. Why's that?
England: that's just him., frog
France: is 'e a disgrace? No one talks to him
England hits France and they started fighting lol
Russia: this is an everyday meeting, it's kind of sad, Da?
Northern Ireland: really quiet and sort of scared
Russia: why are you scared little one?
Northern Ireland: sort of blushing lol

I'll do a part 2 and do a fanfic of "how we met" or something lol

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