Prussia, iggy, twins?!

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The countries are playing truth or dare

America: IGGY. Truth..or...DARE
England: truth. I don't bloody trust you.
America; how many siblings do you truly have?

England: does that count ex-colonies?
America: no.
England: 7
France: angleterre, there's only 6 of you.
England: there's 7

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy

Canada: maybe...all the Kirkland's should line oldest - youngest!
Canada: I said that...
Kumajiro: who are you
Canada: I'm're idiot.

They stood in line. Scotland, the oldest, Wales, the second oldest, the Irish twins, then England, a gap, then sealand.

The nations count

France: there's only 6 of you angleterre
Prussia: vait for zhe awesome Prussia! Stands next to england and sealand putting an arm around england.

Everyone looked shocked, France looked at each Kirkland brother/sister, they were shocked, he looked at Germany, shocked.

England: want us to explain?
Spain: Sí

Prussia: vell. Jou guys don't remember but Vati was one day valking around, for some reason, and he found us, ve vere just sitting, talking to eachozherr, until Igglet here fell asleep.
England: don't bloody call me that

England: I woke up in the arms of someone, I thought I was kidnapped, for some bloody reason, but I found out that Prussia was swinging from his bloody arms.

Prussia: Ja, it vas awesome! Ve ran into Italy's and Romano's grandpa, Grandpa Rome. And Vati had an awesome chat Viz him. And he carried on valking to vhere Ve vould be staying for zhe rest of our childhood.

England: a couple days went by, it was fine, we weren't old enough to train yet so we were bored out of our bloody minds.

Prussia: zhen one day he just randomly, unawesomely disappeared!

England: I ran away. I didn't bloody talk like them so I ran away to a fields and ate grass for a couple days. Until Scotland found me and took me in as his 'brother'

Scotland: so, ye technically me brother?
Prussia: Ja!

Wales: that's...nice
Ireland; who said that?

Canada: I know how you feel.
Wales: I'm mistaken for England...
Canada: I'm mistaken for America
They both sigh

Germany: so, England is my brozher?
Prussia: Ja
Germany: speechless

All countries were speechless.

They all thought, 'no wonder, they wear the same thing when not in uniform, they do the same thing, they have similar hear styles'

Sweden was the only who knew because he remembered the 2.

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