new story idea

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So. I have this sorry idea based on Leanne's video.
Here's the vid

BUT I may twinkle with the idea

England, Japan, America and Italy are the last 4 nations in earth.
The only countries not affected by a disease that killed the others.

Now, these countries are in a meeting.

They are talking about their pain, the things the others didn't see.

They decided to explore the earth 2 weeks later

For any new countries.

They found little countries.

Not micronations but proper countries, still as a child like they once were.

These 6 new countries that they have found are called:

1. Russalene

2. Perlerica

3. Moistan

4. Redorislia

5. Alerdia

6. Finlanlia

Looks and personality:

Russalene has white hair, like Russia's, has Brown eyes. Shee wears clothing for the cold a lot because she's in a cold part of the world.
She can be kind, at times, but can also be violent.

Perlerica is super nice and is the kindest person on earth, he has ginger hair, freckles and green eyes. He also Is very happy, nothing can bring him down. Her country is very hot

Moistan is very religious and is lazy. He will beat anyone up and is a tsundere. He has hazel nut, Brown eyes and black hair. It also always rains, every 2 weeks.

Redorislia looks more like Australia, except with a curl. He's very adventurous and is a normal temperature country. There isn't any rain in his country sadly.

Alerdia is a kind gentlewomen. She likes tea but isn't as tsundere as England. She is sarcastic though but she uses when it's supposed to be used. She also has blonde hair and green eyes.

Finlanlia is pretty much Finland but with green eyes and freckles, still blonde

The 4 surviving nations teach these kids and help them to grow up big and strong like them. They help Italy aswel.

The original 4 nations are now the oldest in the planet and are proud of that.

They know their will be more nations to come and look after, more wars and more allies and enemies. But they all agreed to stay by each other's side.

Do you think I should write this story? It may be my favourite book.

Tell me in the comments if I should write it!

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