Chapter 4 (English)

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Singto, Anna, Em and Arthit walked out of the police station. Em immediately ran to get his car, while the three men were waiting in front of the police station.

"Come in, we will deliver you", said Singto after opening the door for Arthit beside the driver. Singto and Anna got in the backseat.

"P'Arthit, forgive P'Kongpob's behavior on you", Anna said breaking the silence between them. Arthit turned to Anna and smiled.

"I also apologize to the husband khun I have punching his face", said Arthit softly.

"Husband? Who does phii mean?", Asked Anna confused.

"Kongpob, he's a khun husband, is not he?" Asked Arthit.

"P'Kongpob? My husband?", Asked Anna then laughed. Arthit looked at her in confusion.

"Sorry, it seems P'Arthit misunderstood, I am Kongpob's brother-in-law, this is my husband P'Singto", said Anna while introducing Singto beside him. Singto smiled.

"Did not Kit call Kongpob with daddy?", Asked Arthit confused.

"Kit did call P'Kongpob with daddy because her father's face and P'Kongpob are very similar," Anna explained. Arthit turned and saw Singto.

Singto does look like Kongpob if seen well. Only, Singto looks more mature with his round glasses and clothes that are always neat. Just like a young businessman. While Kongpob, he is also always tidy but looks very arrogant and Kongpob is famous for its stubborn students on campus first. He's always looking for trouble with seniors, especially with Arthit.

"We're twins," Singto said, seeing Arthit looking surprised.

"Oh, you're very similar," said Arthit.

"Regarding our cooperation, I will remain an investor for the phii business," Singto said.

"No need, khun Singto, I will also refund money already in use Toptap", refuse Arthit fine.

"No need, phii, I will still invest money in phii business, I will also pay for Bian school as an apology for what my twin did in the past," Singto said. Anna saw Singto not understand. Arthit looked at him in confusion.

"We know what happened to you, P'Arthit, we also know that phii is expelled by stepfather phii because phii is pregnant with a Kongpob child," Em said. Arthit shock is not heard to say Em. Anna no less shocked to hear that.

"Do you know about Bian?" Asked Arthit.

"We know everything, except the bad boy," Singto replied. Anna looked at her in disbelief.

"So the younger brother does not know about Bian?", Asked Arthit. Singto cleared his throat.

"Thank goodness, do not ever tell him, please," said Arthit.

"Well, we will not tell him, but there is a requirement that phii should do for me", Singto said.

"What are the conditions?" Asked Arthit.

"Phii must accept our cooperation and we will also pay for Bian's school", Singto said. He desperately wants to unite his mischievous brother with Arthit, because he knows if his brother can change if he has someone he loves. His naughty brother must be responsible for his actions.

"Sorry but I can not", said Arthit.

"I do not accept rejection, P'Arthit", Singto said.

"Damn, get out of the crocodile's cage instead into the lions' den," Arthit said, listening to Singto's words. "A twin who is both arrogant and coercive, luckily his brother is better than his brother," Arthit thought.

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