Chapter 12 (English)

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A few minutes later.

Arthit who had been searching for him here discovered Bian and Kongpob sleeping together. Bian seemed to embrace Kongpob. So it is with Kongpob. He hugged Bian who was lying on his right arm. Bian was sound asleep in the embrace of Kongpob.

"Bian, do you feel the bond between you two?", Arthit thought as he saw the intimacy between the child and his father. Arthit approached the right side of the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. Arthit stroked Bian's head gently. Then check Kongpob's forehead.

"Thank goodness he was not fever anymore", said Arthit after checking Kongpob forehead. He did not want Bian to go sick. "Bian, baby, come on, get up," Arthit said softly to Bian. Bian blinked his eyes and turned to face Arthit with a smile.

Bian looked at the Kongpob who embraced him. Bian stroked his face slowly.

"Papa, Uncle Kong is well," Bian said quietly.

"Looks like Uncle Kong is cured now, come on, now Bian wake up We'll have dinner together", said Arthit quietly. Bian woke up in aids by Arthit.

"Papa .... Take Uncle Kong eat also na ....", Bian said after sitting down.

"Hm ... All right. Bian wake your uncle. Papa wait in the dining room, "said Arthit as he stroked Bian's head with affection.Bian nodded her head.Arthit then left Bian and the sleeping Kongpob.

In the kitchen. A few minutes later.

"Papa ... Look ... Bian in Uncle's arms, strong uncle," Bian shouted as he entered the dining room and saw Arthit helping Lee prepare dinner. Arthit sees Bian being carried in the back of Kongpob. Bian looked happy.

"Bian .... Here let dad carrying Bian. Uncle you just recovered. Why Bian asked in carrying uncle? ", Said Arthit as he approached Bian and Kongpob.

"Uncle says, Uncle want to carry Bian", Bian said innocently.

"Yeah, phii, I'm the one who wants to carry her", said Kongpob. "Let me do it," Kongpob said as Arthit was about to take Bian from a Kongpob sling.

"Yes, just put Bian in the chair," said Arthit as he backed the chair to Bian. Kongpob approached the chair and lowered and sat Bian on the chair.

"Sit down", Arthit said to Kongpob. Arthit sat beside Bian sitting down. Kongpob sits on the left side of Bian.

"Let's eat," Arthit said to Kongpob. Kongpob nodded his head.

"Eat, son," said Lee.

"Thank you," said Kongpob, nodding his head. Arthit takes food for Bian and for himself. Kongpob took food after bu Lee took the food.

"Uncle .... feeding Bian to eat na ...", Bian said as she slid her plate forward Kongpob.

"Bian .... Here's papa who feeds you Uncle you also want to eat", said Arthit who saw Bian asked Kongpob to feed her eat.

"Do not want. Bian wants uncle to bribe Bian to eat ", said Bian while keeping her plate away from Arthit.

"Bian want uncle feeding?", Asked Kongpob.

"Hm .... Bian wants Uncle feeding Bian to eat Uncle fed na", Bian said to Kongpob.

"Okay, Uncle will feed Bian a meal," Kongpob said, taking Bian's plate.

"Bian also want to sit here", Bian said as he tapped Kongpob thigh. Kongpob a little surprised. Today the new Bian she knew, spoiled him. Usually a small child will be afraid of other people he has never or rarely met.

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