Chapter 18 (English)

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A week later

A fortuner car stopped in front of a house. A man came out of the bench beside the wheel and opened the back door. A woman holding a child out of the car. After that, the handsome man approached the open door of the car and carried a small boy. A married couple walked towards the door. The handsome man knocked on the door of the house.

Shortly thereafter, a little girl appeared to open the door. The little boy immediately shouted happily when he saw them all.

"Aunt Anna? Papa ... Daddy ...", shouted the little girl when she saw her guest.

"Bian ...", said Anna while squatting and caressing Bian's head.

"Bian, why are you shouting?", Asked Arthit who came from behind.

"Sawatde, P'Arthit," Anna said with a smile.

"Sawatdee. You guys coming? Come on in", said Arthit surprised by the arrival of the small family. They all entered and sat in the chair of Arthit's living room.

"Bian, call daddy," said Arthit to Bian. Bian nodded his head and ran for Kongpob

"Daddy?", Asked Anna confused.

"Ah ... That ... Bian called Kongpob as daddy", said Arthit feeling he had summoned Kongpob wrongly. He was getting used to calling Kongpob as daddy. Anna just nodded her head.
Soon, Kongpob came with Bian who was in his arms. Bian looked happy.

"Ah ... Finally you came. I've been waiting for you from a few days ago," said Kongpob when he saw his twin.

"Daddy ... I miss you, daddy," Kit said as he approached Kongpob. Then, Kongpob crouched down and carried Kit too.

"Kit ... Come on down", said Singto softly.

"Don't want it. Kit miss daddy Kong. Papa is bad, likes to scold me if I eat ice cream," said Kit.

"Papa scolded Kit?" Asked Kongpob. Kit nodded his head.

"Papa doesn't allow Kit to eat ice cream, daddy. But Kit likes ice cream", complain Kit at Kongpob.

"How about Daddy buys you an ice cream  na ..." Kongpob said to Kit.
"Bian wants ice cream  too, Daddy", said Bian.

"Daddy will buy Bian ice cream too," Kongpob said to Bian. Kongpob approached everyone, sat next to Anna then put Kit beside Anna and held Bian in his arms.

"What do you want to drink?" Asked Arthit.

"i am fine with anything", answered Singto then saw Anna and Kongpob who were talking softly. Kongpob also seemed to caress Arra in Anna's arms.

"Ah ... Alright. Wait a minute. I'll get you guys drinks", said Arthit who felt pain when he saw Kongpob looked familiar with his brother-in-law.

"Um ... looks like i'm just some air,,", Singto sarcastically told Anna and Kongpob. Anna and Kongpob immediately turned to Singto while grinning.

"You guys. When you meet, always forget about my existence. The truth is, who is your husband, me or him?", Singto frowned, not accepting Anna and Kongpob's closeness.

"Ao ... Phii ... Are you jealous?", Anna asked teasing her husband

"No. Who is jealous?" Singto denied

"Come on, P'Kong, we chat again. Just ignore him", said Anna, then invited Kongpob to chat again.

"Aisshhh ... You . Yes I'm jealous", said Singto. Anna smiled at that.

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