Chapter 8 (English)

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Singto house.

Currently Singto is sitting in the living room. He waits for his twin brother's return again to make trouble. Singto furious after reading the chat from Arthit. He was about to cancel their cooperation because Kongpob was doing obscenity in its department.

"P'Sing .... Do not expel Kongpob from this house, na ... I know phii is mad at her, but only P'Sing that P'Kong have at the moment", said Anna. Singto had said he was going to kick his twin off because it was making more trouble.

"The child must be taught, unfortunately, it is not even aware of him, but he only wants to wake him up, Phii wants Kong to not only think bad about the person he loves, how can he love it if his mind is only nasty? ", answered Singto.

"But still phii should not kick him out, he's your only brother, phii, only the phii he has right now," Anna said again.

"Honey, sorry phii will not listen to you this time", Singto said then left his wife. They were just arguing about Kongpob. He did not want to continue the debate. He knows if his wife keeps on whining not to kick the Kongpob out, he will surely melt away. He does not want that. He still wants to drive his twin without a penny of money and his car will also be confiscated.

Singto sat in the living room reading a newspaper. He's waiting for his twin to go home.

Soon the car stopped at the parking lot. Singto was pretty sure it was his twin car.

Singto put his newspaper on the desk when he saw Kongpob come in humming and playing his car keys. Singto went straight to Kongpob and immediately grabbed the car keys from his twin hand. Obviously it makes Kongpob shocked.

Kongpob swallowed as he stared at his twisted-looking face. Kongpob tried to smile at his twin, but Singto remained unmoved. His angry face remained unchanged, even more angry.

"What the hell is that?" Singto said in a high voice while handing his cell phone to Kongpob. Kongpob received the phone. He read the message from Arthit.

"I'm asking you to check the goods, but what are you doing? You're just doing nasty in the office," Singto said angrily.

"I've done the checking, just ask Em", said Kongpob trying to deny.

"Did you say that?" But I asked Em he said you were only busy looking for P'Arthit, is that what you mean by checking out where P'Arthit is, you mean, right? "Singto asked.

"Ao ... P'Sing ... Do not be angry like this na ... I'm afraid ...", said Kongpob trying to make the twin was dissolved.

"Do not touch me, I do not want to touch a nasty person like you," Singto said.

"I'm not pervert. I just blew my longing for him. I also just kissed his lips only, no more ", said Kongpob began to relax.

"Just kissing his you said it was not a nasty act? You even do it in the office, if anyone sees it, it's going to cause a scandal, your name will be tarnished from the list of heirs," Singto said thoughtfully.

"It's not pervert, P'Sing, it's just longing for nothing but I want to do more with him, but because he kicks my junior, I let him go, if he had not kicked my junior, I would have been able to enjoy his body", said Kongpob. Plaaaakk. Firebugs received Kongpob from its twin.

"Starting today you're kicking me out of my house, I'm not willing to accommodate a dirty-brained man like you, I'm better off accommodating street children than accommodating humans with dirty thoughts like you," Singto roared echoing in the living room. Anna arrives after bringing Kit into his room and asks the aunt to look after his.

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