Chapter 3 (English)

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"Sorry I'm late," Kongpob said, smiling at Arthit.

"Kongpob?", Arthit said slowly as he knew who was coming.

"Khun Arthit, he is Khun Kongpob, he is the brother of the owner of this company He is the one who will take care of our cooperation", said the shoulder-haired secretary with a smile.

"Damn, why do I have to deal with this bastard?" Arthit sighed, regretful that he approved Toptap's proposal to get him to work with a hotel and department store.

"Sawatdee khap, P'Arthit, how are you?", Kongpob said while giving Arthit wai.

"Sawatdee, P'Arthit", said Em while giving wai.

"Sawatdee khap", said Arthit who tried his courtesy.

"You can go," Em said to Singto's secretary. The woman immediately left.

"How are you, P'Arthit?", Asked Kongpob again.

"Good", replied Arthit lazily.

"Oh thank God, why did not you recognize me then?", Asked the curious Kongpob.

"I forgot and now just remember", replied Arthit lazily. "It seems that I do not want to work with your company, I should go," said Arthit. He did not want to linger near that bastard named Kongpob.

The man always reminded him of his past being expelled by his stepfather who always thought it strange. Arthit was about to walk out, but Kongpob's remark made him scold Toptap.

"P'Arthit can not cancel this partnership because P'Toptap has already received money from us Our company has already transferred money to him to send fresh fruits as well as some other ingredients so if P'Arthit wants to cancel the cooperation that, phii must compensate for all the money that our company has transferred and its interest ", said Kongpob.

"What are you kidding me? Why did Toptap never say anything?" Arthit asked, rising in blood. The speech of Kongpob had seemed so arrogant. Yes. The Kongpob he once knew was the same as Kongpob who is now arrogant and a little arrogant. That's according to Arthit.

"Just try phii ask him if phii do not believe me," said Kongpob. Arthit immediately reached into his trouser pocket and contacted Toptap.

"Damn.You, why just take the money from that jerk?" Arthit said to Toptap across the phone.


"I do need money, but not in that way," Arthit said irritably.


"You do not know who the owner of the company? Impossible", said Arthit not believe.


Now you return all the money they have transferred, I will not take the money from that bastard", Arthit ordered.


"What did you say? The money you used for your benefit? What kind of friend are you?", Shouted Arthit, who could no longer suppress his emotions. He immediately turned off the phone unilaterally. He cursed what Toptap did to his.

"So how does P'Arthit? What phii will still cancel our cooperation? Is phii ready to compensate with the flowers?", Asked Kongpob in a sarcastic tone. Arthit looked swallowed. Money transferred by the company was quite large. He does not have that kind of money right now.

"If phii wants to cancel it, it does not matter to me, I'm glad that our company will receive interest from your refusal", said Kongpob with a haughty.

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