Chapter 6 (English)

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Flash back. A few years ago.

A sweet man who started entering his teenage years is now curled up in pain over his bed. The sweet man was stricken with a very sick stomachache.

"Honey, you why?", Asked the beautiful woman in her thirties who came after hearing her son scream.

"Mae .... Stomach ache," said the sweet man, holding his stomach.

"Mae will call pho. You wait a minute", said the woman who is none other than his sweet man's mama.

The sweet man was brought to the hospital by both parents. The sweet man was then examined by a doctor. The sweet man even told him if there was blood coming out from under his genitals. More precisely there is a small hole between her genitals and the anus hole. The doctor decided to take further treatment to find out what happened.

Mama sweet man and even agree to the further handling. The sweet man was also brought MRI chamber. The doctor was shocked to find MRI results from the sweet man.

The sweet man has a disorder because it has male and female reproductive organs in one body.

Both parents sweet man and even then shocked not playing at the doctor's speech. Moreover, the doctor said if the sweet man could get pregnant.
"Can my child be normal like a man in general?", Asked the sweet man's mama.

"It could be if the uterus in lift", replied the doctor.

"Then just remove the uterus," said the sweet man's father. More exactly the stepfather.

"We could have picked it up, but it would have to be patient consent, if the patient agreed, we would do the removal of the uterus, but if the patient refused, we would not do the removal of his uterus," the doctor said.

"We will make sure it will undergo surgical removal of the uterus," said the sweet man stepfather. "Let's get out of here", take the middle-aged man to a sweet man mama. Both were out of the doctor's room.

A few minutes later.

"Mae, what's the Arthit situation? Is he okay?", Asked the white man to the sweet man mama.

"Oon is fine, Toptap", replied the sweet man mama and stepmother the man who called Toptap it.

"Thank goodness," Toptap said as he sat next to his stepmother.

"We have to tell his and ask his to do surgery for his uterine removal," said the sweet man stepfather. He does not want his family to be ashamed of having an abnormal child.

"Yes, I will tell Arthit", replied his wife with compelled. She and her new husband are in a match by their parents. But because both are married, the parents each cancel the matchmaking.

But because of a disease, the sweet man's father died, to make the sweet man's mama was widowed. On the other hand, Toptap's father also recently divorced his wife because his wife was having an affair. Both parents of the father's parents Toptap and both parents mama Arthit decided to re-match them. They finally got married.

Toptap's father actually liked Arthit's mama and was able to receive Arthit as his son, but when he heard his stepson had an aberration, Arthit's stepfather would not want it if his business associates came to know it. He was afraid his stepson's anomaly would one day be a stumbling block to his growing business.

"Ai'Arthit has a womb?", Asked Toptap on his stepmother after her father left. But her stepmother just kept quiet.
A few hours later.

Arthit was awakened from his sleep after being given a sedative for continuing to complain of stomach pain earlier.

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