The Demon and His Human.

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Jimin was on his way to school when he had to stop by the store for a few snacks for lunch, he and his demon Jeon Jungkook was by his side scheming as always, "Jungkook, try not to get us in trouble this time, dont take anything, i can't afford to be kicked out another convenience store because of your klepto habits" jimin complained, "they're not and im not a klepto either, you wont bother buying them for me so the best i can do is just freely take them, plus you can pay the people back anyway" jungkook said with a smirk on his face. Jungkook and jimin were close and would often go scheming with their group of friends, the two would stay out late drinking and hooking up with girls they came across, jungkook was good at his job misleading his companion down the wrong path. Jimin was popular at his school he was the prince of the school he went to, he and jungkook were great at sports and they both were great at breaking hearts, which led them to be hated by a lot of guys and upperclassmen. Jimin was very seductive when it came to seducing his prey or in his case the women he hooked up with as for jungkook, he was on the same level with jimin, he would hook up with any girl whether she was a demon or angel, though he was a year younger than jimin they were both very successful.

Jungkook was slick and would often manipulate anyone to get what he wanted, he was quite high and mighty and widely known for his ways, for a demon jungkook was a very persuasive one he was lustful and if he needed to find someone he would lure them in. He had brown hair and  blue eyes which were odd for a demon since they usually had black or red eyes. But thats what made him so successful at his job.

 But thats what made him so successful at his job

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Fullname: Jeon Jungkook

Age: 15(human years)

Occupation: Demon, jimin's spiritual companion/guidance

Jimin was another face quite known for falling into temptation, he and jungkook had eachother's back, he was good at his job seducing any female that caught his taste, he often lied to get his way into clubs and underground dance parties. Jimin had greyish hair back in middle school but then he dyed it brown starting this school year, he has slightly blueish greyish eyes he received from his mother.

 Jimin had greyish hair back in middle school but then he dyed it brown starting this school year, he has slightly blueish greyish eyes he received from his mother

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Fullname: Park Jimin


Occupation:Human, Jungkook's human companion/master

Ok so the introductions are over and yes i know the pictures are old, but its what im basing their appearances on so work with me -3- 

so the chapters will be both short and long there maybe chapters with 2000+ words and others that are like 500+ words. unto the story now.

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