Epilogue (2) Reunion

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Jimin Pov

Its been a couple of years since we graduated, 2 to be exact, but everything is pretty cool, now that we're out of school we can hang with Namjoon and Jin-hyung as well even though they still treat us like we're students. Not to mention Irene and Seulgi came back too and we just so happened to bump into each other today, right now we're in a little restaurant and bar, eating lamb skewers and having some drinks, I wasn't hungry but yoongi was and so he decided to order food while we had drinks, 

"So what did we miss? I know we up and left and haven't seen each other for like 5 years" Irene explained,

"Nothing much just the usual, we moved in together us four, though its kind of like a two-story building so we have the bottom while tae and kook have the top" I explained before taking a sip from my drink, its really good to see you guys too bad the whole gang isn't here.

"Oh? how boring" Irene pouted, I chuckled at her cute action.

"Where's jungkook and tae speaking of which?" Seulgi asked, fighting yoongi over a piece of lamb,

"Well...Jungkook has an interview with some company in Busan and so they needed him to meet right over here, supposedly the one here in Seoul their CEO isn't able to make it from the other branch so he went there, as for taehyung, he's been working lately with some fashion and model company" I spoke.

"ooh? is that so, wow you guys really did it huh?" Irene replied,

"Not really though, yoongi and I pretty much just work at a part-time cafe together and maybe we'll be extra models at jungkook and tae's company, Kook is basically Tae's manager. 

"what about you guys" Yoongi pointed his chopsticks at both Irene and seulgi

"Hey! that's rude first! and we're pretty much on our own I guess we've just been going with the flow, we were as hostesses at this big club and well that's where we get out to pay and as for that we've decided we should visit Seoul again, Our parents got a divorce, supposedly mom cheated on dad with some businessman and decided to create a whole new family but that whatever I guess" Irene sighed,

"Oh...Im sorry to hear" I said frowning at the news.

"No, No its really ok, they were having problems already, but its all good" Irene put a thumbs up,

"Anywho, we better get going, gotta pick up our stuff and head over to our temporary apartment you know" Irene explained setting down her pay for her side of the order, "Catch you guys later" Seulgi waved before taking yoongi's last skewer, making me laugh at his reaction.

"Aww, its ok yoongi I'll order more" I teased pecking his lips.


Jungkook Pov

I had to travel quickly to Busan due to some interview for tae to attend but since his schedule is packed and im his manager here I am, discussing the issue and all with the branch CEO of the company, the guy looks like a total douche and I really don't want to leave my tae with him not to mention he's rude too.

"I was expecting Kim taehyung and you? his manager? dont make me laugh" The ceo laughed, next to him was his spiritual being which basically was giving apologetic signals to me about his bosses actions.

"Well sir, im sorry to say, but Kim taehyung is busy and im here on his behalf, but if it seems that the deal is off due to his absence I completely understand" I spoke as I was about to get up from my chair.

"A-Ah! no its ok, excuse me for being rude, we'll still accept the deal, but under one circumstance I'd like to meet him in person so if you could come back with him that'll be splendid, he's a great tool we'd like to acquire for our stocks as well, im sure you feel the same?" The guy smirked,

"I think not sir, excuse my rudeness, but I think it'd be better to say the deal is off, I just got word that another company has a better deal for us and is willing to do it with no questions asked, now if you'll excuse me Im running a bit late to my private jet" I bowed and exited the room, I was extremely pissed, if I stayed any longer I'd probably would've kicked the guys ass or even worse. Unfortunately, as a spiritual being, we're forbidden to lay hands on other's humans, and if not for that lacrima that is placed in the room to reveal ourselves without an agreement I had to stay civilized.


"What!  Why?!? kook, that was the best company and they were giving us a good deal" Tae complained drying his hair,

"Yea and a total douche, he only saw you as an object, not a person and you honestly thing I'd let some guy like that work with you? as if" I said as I glared at Taehyung,

"You know im blessed to have your stubborn ass, honestly," Taehyung said approaching me pecking my lips and the rest of my face.

I pouted at his antics of making me less angry and frustrated but soon smiled.

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