Just those three words.....

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Taehyung Pov

I couldn't stop him right away and when he sunk down I moaned at the tight feeling, he let out a loud moan in pain and pleasure and it shocked me how he was able to take that, he didn't move to which im guessing he's adjusting to the size, he bit his lips before moving up and down on my cock, I couldn't help but groan at the warm walls of his entrance, I subconsciously gripped his hips soothing whatever leftover pain he had, it had to be a slight burn since there was no lube, it lingered in the background that kook might like pain a bit and I can fill myself harden at the thought, at this point kook was riding me let out lewd and loud moans.

"Fuck!" I said when he clenched around my dick, indicating he was pretty close and I took it upon myself to flip our positions and pound into him for the remaining time, Jungkook was squirming and clawing at my back as I pounded his abused hole back to back, He let out a loud moan almost echoing in the room hitting his orgasm, clenching on my cock making me groan and before I knew it I had come into him as well filling his hot walls with my cum, still thrusting into him chasing whatever high I had left. 

Jungkook Pov

I don't know what came over me it was like my mind had taken over my body and I was in a daze, I mean the beer and being drunk was a contribution to how I was acting and I was pretty aware of everything I was doing I just couldn't help myself, I won't lie the little sting and burning sensation I felt sinking harshly on Taehyung felt blissful, I almost came just from that hence my orgasm coming since I put a hold on it. It also just hit me that I had sex with him as well. ah...fuck...but wait. I could confess at this moment before it gets awkward I'll just have to play it off like im still drunk, Ok. Kook. you can do it, I took a mental deep breath and Placed a kiss on Taehyung's swollen red lips before just barely muttering those 3 words.

I love you Kim Taehyung...

I said before drifting off to sleep, I was practically warned out after all the drinking I did earlier and the beer and high from our sex had me completely drained, I could feel my body sinking into slumber and my eyes shutting, soft snores leaving my parted swollen lips.

Taehyung Pov

Hearing Jungkook muttering those words before sleeping left me speechless, I was happy to hear him say just those words and I smiled placing a kiss on his sweaty forehead and lips. I went to get a cloth to clean him up and wipe down the sweat that accumulated on his body since he wasn't able to move tonight and he was asleep. We'll just shower early morning anyway. Putting on new boxers on both of us I cuddled Jungkook close to me placing a kiss on his fluffy black hair, I was happy hearing his confession even though I was dense to see and I couldn't say anything back I just placed fluffy kisses all over his face and embraced his soft small figure before drifting to sleep.

Short chap. oop

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