If only It was real?

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Yoongi Pov

Jimin was now just mumbling whatever incoherent words as he slipped in and out of sleep,

"Come on, jimin im really tired and I would like to sleep also, let's get you into the clothes I have for you and we can sleep,

Jimin just whined like a child,

"Why don't you dress me then?" Jimin said seductively tugging at the hem of his shirt.

I just gulped at the sudden change in his attitude, he was really drunk and the last thing I wanted to do was take advantage of him in this state, 

"No..because you aren't a kid," I said back,

Jimin just let out a heavy sigh before getting and approaching me he grabbed my hands placing them on the bottom hem of his shirt,

"There, all you have to do is just lift up and bam! step one is over, I mean I could do it but im far too drunk and tired to do so" Jimin slurred wrapping his arms around my neck. 

He just nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck before I heard soft snores coming from him,

I sighed realizing he passed out, now its really gonna be a pain getting him to wake up.

I huffed out a breath before laying him down and removing his shirt, he whined a bit at the cold air hitting his soft warm skin before I placed a shirt over his head and slipped his pants off, placing the new ones on him. I just released a breath I didn't know I was holding before slipping my own pajamas on and drifting off to sleep.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Next day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Jimin Pov

I woke up due to a pounding headache I have, I really didn't mean to drink so much, but what cut me off from my train of thought was the fact I wasn't home, I did remember drinking with tae, yoongi getting me to go home then after that its more of a blur, shit I hope I didn't do anything reckless but from the looks of it I didn't, I had different clothes on and well yoongi was right next to me sound asleep which was a relief, the last thing I wanted to do was wake up not only with a hangover but the fact I may have slept with yoongi, though I wouldn't mind, it would just be awkward between us. 

I checked my phone to see the time and it was almost time for school, but now I really didn't want to go now, waking up in yoongi's bed was far better than my education, to be honest, I just laid back down and got a bit loser to yoongi cuddle and to my advantage he unintentionally held me closer. I could feel a smile make its way on my face, if only this could actually be real and everyday I can wake up to this feeling, I mean I could but when was a good time? I would much rather it be more genuine and romantic, Maybe we should skip school and go out today? I thought to myself before closing my eyes and going back to sleep.

Short chapter. I know. im lazy. Im sorry. q-q; its also 3 am something and im still up oops.

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