The angel's tactics.

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(Jungkook/Jimin POV)

(Jungkook's POV)

I had just left the party along with jimin due to the fact it wasn't as intense as the other parties we participated at, apart from that, the angel I noticed from a class that day was at the party once again trying to talk to me. I personally don't mind being hit on it makes my job easier but when it's the angels the last thing I want to do is embarrass myself hanging around them. My job is to lead my human down the right path of wrongdoing and being successful at it. When we met up and greeted each other it was decent jimin was able to talk and get the know the human that tag along with his spiritual being, after our introduction I was at my breaking point and I was soon going to explode from rage so I grabbed jimin and went off someplace else which now leads us to here at a club with a few drinks on the side. 

"You know kookie we have class tomorrow and we have to wake early too?" jimin reminded the little devil

"Yes but, we'll be missing out on the party life because of classwork and you know I can't live as that" jungkook whined.

"True....though but, don't forget we can party on the weekends" the shorter boy reassured.

Jimin had a point, no classes on weekends meant all the fun in the world.

>>>>>>>>>>The next day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Jimin's POV)

I woke up in a groggy mood from the drinks last night and the fact that I have to wake up to attend school, if I could I'd drop out but then that means I wouldn't be able to attain a job and/or maintain a sort of income. Kookie was out cold from his drinks, even though we are underage with his ability of deception he has no problem slipping us into clubs left and right and underground parties. To be honest this week we'll be hitting up one of the best parties hosted by this famous Dj and kookie and I will be shopping for the best clothes we might even find someone decent along the way. I tapped jungkook's arm alerting him to wake up and take a shower because he reak of booze from last night and we have school in the next hour or so. As I made my way downstairs I was greeted with my mother cooking up some eggs and pancakes.

"Hey sweetheart breakfast is ready, where's kookie?" she questioned,

"he's washing up he'll be down soon I'll take his plate upstairs" I replied.

My mom nodded and I took a bite of my strip of bacon and made my way back upstairs to give jungkook his plate along with mine which I was halfway finished with. 

After I finished my food I searched the web waiting for jungkook.


The door clicked and there came out jungkook, "finally! your food is probably cold by now it's over there on the table" I said before entering the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Soon we were on our way to school normally we walk there but, Jungkook and I thought it would be better if he flew there so we could stop at a store on our way there, normally we aren't supposed to do this supposedly its unsafe and we could get hurt but, Jungkook knows how to fly correctly and chance of that happening is low. "Jungkook how about we go shopping after school for some new attire for that upcoming party, all our 'good' clothes are old and I'm feeling something sexier will be perfect for the opportunity. "Sure do your parents know or are we sneaking out again?" jungkook replied with a smile plastered on his face at the thought.

"Hmm, it's a little after 8 so I guess we can go but if for whatever reason we cant we can surely sneak out with those sneaky tactics of yours" jimin smirked.

After our discussion, we had arrived at school, and to our surprise, we spot the same duo we saw at the party yesterday night, Yoongi and V? was it? they were pretty cool people and I honestly wouldn't mind befriending them though, on jungkook's part he isn't too fond of that angel... I think he's cool it's not that often you find someone who's an angel who is slightly reckless and careless about their status most angels keep to themselves and keep their human out of trouble or the demon's tactics but him? that doesn't necessarily click in his head and the boy yoongi who's with him seems to be a laidback type cause he just tags along with it, I'm gonna go say hi even though kookie won't approve but oh well.

(Jungkook's Pov)

As we arrive I notice the only blonde head at the corner of my eye and my mind and gut tell me it that angel from the party. I take a glimpse at jimin to see if he's noticed them and of course he has, a sigh escapes my lips has jimin nudges my side and walks toward their direction. "Here we go again" I huff out. "Hey Morning, not surprising seeing you two bright and early since the party yesterday" Jimin greets the two. Yoongi greets jimin with a smile, and to my demise I'm greeted by Taehyung's smirk as he scans my facial expression, he clearly can tell I'm not too happy about meeting him but it seems like he doesn't care and he just continues walking with a smug look plastered on his face that enrages me, I feel he has something planned.

We arrive to class where yoongi and jimin find two seats next to each other since last class the teacher never showed up and so we don't have assigned seats, I sit in front of jimin and to my demise the sneaky pesky Taehyung places his things on the desk next mine, I stare at him wondering if he's purposely asking for a death wish or something. He then notices me looking at him "Like what you see?" he said with a smug look before licking his lips and digging through his bag, "I think not"I say with clear irritation in my voice before looking out the window next to me. 

Don't mind the titles I'm just gonna kind of make them random I think? but this format is more comfortable so I'll stick with it 

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now