These feelings?

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Yoongi Pov

I Had gone to the bathroom originally when I was cut off by tae calling me,

"Hey! yoongi? you went out with Jackson-hyung and jimin without me?!?!" tae complained through the phone.

"Uh, yea I told you I'd be stepping out with him since I owed him, jimin just tagged along go hang out with kook but don't do any dumb shit that will result in me having to spazz on you," I said before hanging up. If I didn't shorten the discussing then taehyung would've just complained and most likely look for me, I then used the bathroom like I was originally gonna do and washed my hands before heading back to our table.

When I got there I noticed Jackson wasn't around, I assumed something came up and he had to go, he is out teacher after all so it makes sense. Once I seated myself I noticed jimin was a bit flustered or nervous? maybe a mixture so I waved a waiter over just to get rid of the anxious aura that was creeping its way at our table.

"Hello, Can get you two anything?" the waiter asked us, I picked up my menu scanning through it before telling the waiter I'll just order a drink, for now, he nodded and then looked over for jimin's order,

"Uh...I'll just order a drink as well," He said with a smile.

I Just smiled at his decision, he must've of thought it was weird if he ordered something and I didn't. After the waiter walked away we were back to our normal-awkward situation.


We ate and just talked about whatever came to mind and we decided to take a stroll at a park since it was a bit early to go home just yet, I can tell winter was right around the corner by how cold it was getting as the time passed by. I glanced over my side at jimin who seem to enjoy the walk around at the scenery from the lights hanging low and the moon shining above us. 

Jimin Pov

I could tell yoongi was looking over at me, probably wondering if I was enjoying myself the dinner was pretty quiet and calm which I didn't mind, but I felt bad for not having a topic to really talk about, now that I think about it we didn't really hang out like this or got to know each other, we really just met a party and that's about it and when I think about it we really didn't know a lot about each other, it kind of makes me a little sad, normally if we met someone we kinda just talked and left it at that, but yoongi was different he was genuine, I hate that we'll be going back in a few minutes and it makes me sad. 

I looked up at him just to see if he felt the same thing but instead, our eyes met and he was smiling, I averted my eyes by pure instinct but I smiled as well,

"Do you want to stop by a cafe I know for something warm before we head back?" Yoongi asked,

"Already? we just came from a restaurant" I laughed, 

"Yea, but I can tell you don't want to go home just yet, plus its a bit cold also and im in the mood for a coffee" yoongi laughed,

"Oh? Do you drink coffee? why haven't I ever see you with any before when we're at school?" I asked,

"Hmm..well normally I just make it early at home, but I like the cafe's better and I usually get it whenever I can" Yoongi replied.

I just nodded in understanding. Before I knew it we were already at the cafe yoongi mentioned and it was a cute cafe when we walked in we were hit with the lovely aroma of coffee and the small pastries that laid pretty on their trays. I couldn't help but smile at how cute and decorative they were, they were so cute and well done that I felt bad eating them. Yoongi had ordered his coffee and was now waiting for me to decide, I quickly got up to order one of their pastries and a chai latter. 

We sat at a booth near the window sipping our warm drinks, The place was so comforting and calming that I couldn't stop smiling.

Yoongi Pov

I could tell bringing jimin here he was in a good mood, I won't lie I did want to take him here in case we ever get closer than now, but just seeing him in a good mood was enough for me, I come here on my days off from school when tae is either lounging around or when I just want to go out to think. It's pleasing to the eyes and the senses in general. Now its more pleasing to just see that smile on Jimin's face, Just thinking about how I could wake up to that smile, sleep to that smile and see it every day, I could feel my heart racing at the thoughts flooding in my head, Did I like him? it never really occurred to me until now, yea it was a thought that made its way to my mind here and there but, with the thoughts of asking about his feelings were also thoughts that maybe he didn't feel the same way, shaking those thoughts out of my head i decided to just clear my thoughts and sip my coffee before staring into it. 

"Yoongi?" Jimin called snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Uh..sorry, I kinda zoned ready?" I asked,

"Already? wow, time goes fast" Jimin sighed,

I smiled at his reaction, "You must really like hanging with me, why? Im pretty boring",

"I don't think so, I actually enjoyed myself, I mean don't get me wrong partying with kook and the rest was fun too, but this? it's different, it's pretty soothing in a way, lets me relax and actually look at the night sky and its surprises I guess, I liked it" Jimin smiled.

I can feel the blush making its way across my face, I must really like him if im feeling this way?

Just a fluff filler chapter. Im so slow oml, I never noticed this song remember by Katie that was released back in June and I hate myself for never coming across it because it's amazing.

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