Love? You?

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Jimin Pov

After tae and Jungkook helped out with everything I couldn't be happier, now I Just waited at the table I reserved for us both, I was pretty early since I had the other two meet me 10 mintues before yoongi arrived. After checking the time on my phone I noticed the waiter came over with what looked to be yoongi and it was clear I couldnt hide my smile. 

"Your reservation is here, is there anything I can get you?" the waiter asked, yoongi nodded his head no then looked my way.

"What made you want to come out to our usual spot and fancy at that?" Yoongi asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh no reason, just thought we could hang out you know" I replied,

"Ok? but really what brought you to text and ask to meet up, you know I know well enough to know that you'd normally just come by and crash at our place or vice versa" Yoongi chuckled,

"Alright, you caught me I guess? Its actually because I've been meaning to ask you something or should I say tell you something" I explained beginning to now get nervous.

"That is?" Yoongi said fiddling with sugar packets and eyeing me as I try to muster up the courage to confess.


Taehyung Pov

I could tell jungkook wanted something from that place, he was zoned out and seemed something was on his mind, but normally I just leave it alone since he'll just get all moody about me sniffing into his business, though it was clear he was a bit envious of Yoongi and jimin. I have a feeling if Jimin does confess then he'll either have to be the third wheel or I do not to mention he'll just be in an even more bad mood which is a probably for me because it gets directed to my way.

We arrived at his and Jungkook's place since jimin will probably crash over there at my place. I feel like Jungkook will just get lonely and I kind of feel bad not to mention I rather not witness anything or even be there watching the two in their own world.

"Are you hungry or want a drink or something?" Jungkook asked, 

"I'll have a beer I guess" I anwsered,

"Don't you ever get tired of drinking?" Jungkook asked handing me a beer and taking one for himself,

"Look who's talking" I laughed,

"Oh shut up, it'd be dumb if I just drink juice and you have a beer," Jungkook said poking at the rim of the can,

"Oh? why is there something on your mind?"

"No..not really why?"

"Hmm...that pause just now, there is, why are you worried jimin will forget you or some shit like that, I wouldn't worry about that, to be honest, it's not like they can live without us, plus you have me and the crew you know" I explained.

"You know that's not really reassuring spending time with you, I don't want to spread my negativity to anyone else you know, I'd hate to ruin the mood with my feelings" Jungkook explained with a hurt smile,

I was a bit puzzled, it seems the two of them resolved an issue between them but jungkook still looked like something was bother him, Im debating on asking him since he's like this, I like when he's being an ass and sarcastic, this down and upset jungkook is like I don't know.."

"Hey...kook, if you don't mind me asking, but...what's up, this isn't like you, you know upset, or something like that, I mean if I did some shit wrong I apologize but you sulking and upset makes me I don't know worry, I know you hate when I ask you stuff that isn't my business but I am worried and you-*SniffSniff*Jungkook cut me off with sniffs and what looked like tears coming from his eyes, 'Fuck' What do I do he's crying and shit Im confused,

"Hey, why are you crying what's up speak to me?!?" I said worried,

Jungkook just nodded his head and threw himself into my arms sobbing, I was confused and had no idea what made him breakdown, so I just sat there comforting the small devil in my arms until he calmed down.


JUngkook Pov

I just got so overwhelmed, I don't know why I broke down, to be honest, I guess just immense stress and feeling I've bottled up, but really its just I have taehyung worrying about me and he should really hate me honestly, I've been nothing but an asshole to him the whole time, for him to even show some form of concern for me just really hit me. I feel I may have feelings for him really I want to say something but I can't read his mind and I can't tell if he feels something for me back, I really would hate for him to reject me, but I don't want him to continue worrying about me.

"Taehyung...." I called out,

"Oh, you're calm, im sorry if i- No! you didn't, im sorry I made you worry its just that..." I said cutting tae off mid-sentence,  Why can't I just be honest, He's blaming himself for things that are wrong on my behalf and I can't even say a sentence.


Jimin Pov

"Well I've been meaning to tell you something and the whole reason I brought you out here was just that" I explained grabbing the box out of my pocket, I gripped the box as I breathed in and out,

"Yoongi, I you, More than a friend and I was uh...just wondering if it'll be ok if we, you know...went out," I said, I couldn't bare to look him in the eyes after saying that phrase.



"I mean! sorry, its just I was never confessed to so it left me at a loss of words, of course, I'd like to go out with you jimin, I'd be my pleasure" Yoongi said smiling, I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding after he accepted my confession.

"Oh. I got these, its probably cheesy and cliche but I thought maybe we could wear matching necklaces as like a charm you know" I explained,

"yea, thanks, you're such a sweetheart, I should be the one getting these things," Yoongi said a bit embarrassed,

"No, no it's ok I was really excited and wanted to make this moment meaningful so I thought why not confess at our favorite place and get something to go with it" I replied,

"I should've maybe chosen a better spot- I don't think so, im a simple guy so I like things like this, everything was really well put together, thank you, and Im glad" Yoongi explained cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Everything I love it and I love you," Yoongi said before kissing me on the forehead.

"Should we get going I want to take you around for repayment now?" Yoongi said gathering his things before first putting our necklaces on walking out of the place hand and hand.

It Is cold AF though, its -20 something outside oml.

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