Not the case.

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Jungkook Pov

To see taehyung flustered at just a mere action honestly made me want to tease him more since I found it kind of cute, he just had such a serious look on his face. Though I don't see what's wrong in it? had it been jimin, of course, I'd step in and show no mercy, I guess deep down those angels are kind-hearted. 

As the room was quiet with jimin and yoongi down the hall fussing about whatever game they must be playing I just stared at the tv that was now on while fiddling with the hem of my shirt, it was very awkward, I mean don't get me wrong normally I'd be arguing or in a bad mood with tae being in my presence, but now that he's basically calm or quiet its kind of hard to deal with and it's making me nervous. Im surprising my ownself cause never have I ever felt nervous or awkward around someone unless they're obviously suspicious or something like that. I side glanced to see if he was still looking up at the tv but to my surprise, he wasn't instead he was looking at me, I quickly averted my eyes flustered at the eye contact. 

I was basically screaming at myself internally for being such a flustered shit, I was acting as if I was some young high school girl crushing on the most popular boy in school that finally noticed her. Its embarrassing and I know it'll only just piss me off more if he picks up on it, I decided to get up and just wash my face, maybe im just out of it or im tired possibly. As I got up from my seat tae had stopped me grabbing my wrist,

"Yes?" I asked,

"Where are you going so quick?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face as always,

"uh..the bathroom why?" I said slipping my hand out of his hold, I just shook my head and continued walking to the bathroom, I closed the door quick locking it and just took a breath, I was unsure as to why I was so flustered just from him asking me a mere question or was it because he grabbed my hand none the less i was just overall overwhelmed and unsure. I could've asked jimin since he seems to be understanding in this field, but then that meant he'd just ask me who it is and hell no...i was not gonna tell him who. I went over to the sink running cold water and splashed the ice water on my face before sighing and wiping it dry. Of course, my cheeks were still rosy and it makes sense, I was flustered.

Taehyung Pov

I watching kook get up and run to the bathroom left me puzzled, yea he seemed on edge and fidgety sitting by me, but was I intimidating? I just sat there pondering on whether I was gonna check up on him or just wait, he's like a ticking time bomb ready to blow any minute and its hard to tell when he's mad at me or whatever else, though im pretty sure that wasn't the case since he was shooting glances at me until I looked at him. 

I lightly bit on the inside of my cheek pondering my attempts, I do want to figure something out or more so have my questions answered. 


I walked towards jimin's bedroom taking a quick peep at the other two and to my surprise they were fast asleep, both supporting each other with their own bodies against the bed. I just smiled and lightly shut the door with a smile on my face. Now, my next mission was to go into the lions den, I knocked but nothing, it seems that the water was running so that did mean that kook was in here, instead of just waiting for the little devil to open the door I just decided to open it myself to my advantage it was unlocked. 

"Jimin, I'll be out hold on-Taehyung!" Jungkook said before cutting himself off,

"The one and only," I said smiling and closing the door behind me locking it,

"Why are you in here? where's the other two?" Jungkook asked ready to leave the situation.

Before he could attempt to unlock the door I grabbed his arm and lightly pushed him towards the sink with our bodies barely touching, I could tell jungkook was shocked by the sudden action and I couldn't tell if he was just flustered or mad, his heart was pounding and his face red all the way up to his ears. I let go of his arm and trapped him in between me and the sink blocking any openings for him to swivel his way out. 

"Now, kook you're all weird now what's up, I mean any other time you're usually tossing insults or glaring bullets at me're like how can I say it? Vulnerable or no maybe shy? I don't know... I mean don't get me wrong it's cute and all and it's nice seeing another side apart from your usual side" I said unsure of what to say without pissing him off of course. He just looked down gripping the edge of the sink with his furrowed eyebrows.

"Its nothing really...I guess im just tired is all" He said pushing me back, of course, im one to be persistent and I most definitely know that's not the case.

Y3Y I annoying myself how lazy I am LMFAO.

Also I'm mostly likely gonna be looking over some of my books for usual spelling, gramatical, and overall errors I make cause i've been noticing that, but that will be later on in the future.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now