Chapter 24

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We barely got out of the rain dry since we had to run there, we arrived to class on time, of course, Tae, kook, and jimin decided to go to the restroom to dry themselves and fix their appearance, I just shrugged it off since I didn't really care but I know tae is gonna pester me about it since he doesn't need me getting sick because its an inconvenience for him. I sat at my usual spot until I spotted jin looking around the class and inside the desks, 

"Uh.Jin-hyung? looking for something?" I asked catching him off guard.

"Oh uh sorry yoongi, I left a white small bag with some cookies I freshly baked this morning to give to Namjoon, but it seems it suddenly disappeared and im not sure if maybe any students played a prank on me or perhaps took it by mistake" Jin said on the verge of tears, I just nodded and got up to help my teacher look for his gift, that's when something slightly clicked in my brain, perhaps? Hoseok-hyung took it? I hate to blame him for it but he's the only other person I know who isn't too fond of jin-hyung dating Namjoon-hyung without his approval.

"Um, not to be rude or anything but maybe Hoseok-hyung thought it was something else and took it or possibly?" I said scratching my neck hoping jin didn't take it the wrong way, Jin set his chin in between his fingers at the thought, "Perhaps, we haven't been on the best of terms lately I can ask him?" Jin said with a warm smile, I genuinely felt bad for him he must've put his all into those cookies.

"Wait! Jin-hyung, may I be excused from today's class?" I asked determined to help him find his cookies, Jin nodded his head yes before sitting at his desk sulking, 

"I don't see why not, it might just be study hall today, the weather is pretty gloomy and with my missing cookies, I feel as though I lost some energy" Jin said setting his chin on his backhand.

I nodded before heading to Namjoon's class, the only other person who can get involved with hoseok or as far as interrogate him was Jackson-hyung, I knocked on the door before entering and just the right hyung was there sitting at Namjoon-hyung's chair reading what looked to be some model's magazine,

"Hyung? favor? I need you to ask hoseok-hyung if he's seen missing cookies, of course, he'll just deny but see what you can get from him" I asked,

"Hmm..why he took some cookies of yours?" He asked intrigued by the sudden request,

"Not necessarily more like he's taken jin's homemade cookies, supposedly he was supposed to give it to Namjoon-hyung but they went missing and no students were in class at the time just maybe me and some girls, he wasn't with jin either and they seemed to be on bad terms" I explained. Jackson just nodded before getting up from his desk and stashing his book into namjoon's drawer. 

"What do I receive after? I mean this a request that you're asking out of my time and its to help Jin, these types of requests have prices, my faithful customer?" Jackson said,

"Uh. What are you looking for exactly?" I asked wondering this ''payment''.

" about a drink out?" Jackson suggested with an excited look on his face,

"Uh..yea, no something that isn't illegal?" I replied to my hyung's recklessness,

"'re no fun, hm..i guess? maybe getting in some trouble with me how about it?" Jackson said with a smug look on his face,

"And that is? exactly?" Oh, Idk just typical things us devils do, like underground partying and or maybe a drink out at a bar, Come on I know you have a party switch in you somewhere you're just hanging with the wrong people yoongi" Jackson pouted nudging me.

I sighed before nodding at his request, "But you better take the blame and own up if we get in trouble" I warned my hyung who was at this time being a bad influence. 

He just laughed and waved goodbye, I sighed releasing a breath I didn't know I had, before turning I spotted jimin who was looking at me with a questioning look,

"Oh..uh..jimin hey, when did you get here?" I asked nervously as he glared at me.

Jimin Pov

I was walking down the hall when I heard some voice that sounded much like yoongi's and Jackson-hyung's voice, I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation wondering what they were talking about, I heard Jackson discussing about taking yoongi to some party or at a bar, I was completely shocked when I heard yoongi agree, obviously there was no way tae was gonna allow him to go with someone's spiritual being apart from him. After the stopped talking I saw Jackson coming out and I just smiled before glaring at yoongi, 

"You and hyung were discussing what exactly? and why?" I finally asked Yoongi who was looking a bit nervous.

"Ah...well see jin-hyung had lost some cookies he made for namjoon-hyung and so I asked Jackson-hyung to investigate on it but I guess there was a price and to be honest jin-hyung is really upset so I thought I do a good deed and get that back for him" yoongi explained,

"And..that involves Jackson-hyung? why?" I asked furrowing an eyebrow,

"See the thing is I suspect hoseok-hyung had something to do with it cause he and jin haven't been on the best terms," Yoongi said scratching his ear,

I nodded in agreement with him but of course, I couldn't accept the fact that Yoongi was going alone with hyung, especially without tae so I decided to take it upon myself and tag along with them just for safe keeping.

"UH...but jimin I don't-" 

" I won't take no for an answer if tae doesn't come with you which I'd doubt he would let you I'll go," I said cutting yoongi off. He just nodded in agreement.

Gonna write 3 chapters for being lazy and not updating on time oof.

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