I'll teach you

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Jimin Pov

Meanwhile yoongi was throwing his clothes on I decided to quickly clean my room of its mess, I'd hate for him to assume we were messy people it was just we often were lazy and didn't really stop by the house since we'd be partying all night, To my surprise here he was walking in with his slightly damped messing hair and the shirt and pants I had given him to sleep in.

"Uh..should I tell tae the bath is ready or you going in?" Yoongi asked me before tossing his body on my bed with a sigh.

"Uh, I'll let him know and also hand him his towels and stuff.

Jungkook Pov

I just sat there glaring at the pest in the kitchen with a smug look on his as he sipped the tea he had made a couple of minutes ago, to think jimin would betray me and give up my spot and room to yoongi, in which nothing against him but I have to accompany this guy, but at the same time im whipped for jimin so if he wants yoongi instead of me I have to accept that but this goof here he's not gonna let me live I don't know if he has ulterior motives either.

"Like what you see kook?" Tae said not breaking contact with his cup.

"Uh no, what? don't flatter yourself" I scoffed and sat back pouting.

To my surprise, jimin appeared with some clothes and towels letting tae know the bathroom is open for him.

"Ah...sorry jimin take care of yoongi for me, keep him warm and he's a cuddler. I'll take a shower last you and jungkook can go before me" taehyung smiled.

"Ok tae. noted." I laughed before taking off to my shower.


Yoongi Pov

Jimin walked into the doorway with a towel over his head and his boxers on exposing his thighs I couldn't help but stare at, my eyes crept their way up to his abs that I hadn't realized were existent it just didn't match his face or demeanor and he would always wear clothes that were slightly big. I trailed my way up to his face before realizing he was now looking at me, I cursed myself for just not being able to look once instead I stared directly at him and who knows what facial expression I was making. He smiled before walking over to me and waving a hand in my face with a grin plastered on his face. 

"You good yoongi? you just zoned out there for a minute" Jimin laughed before slipping on a pair of sweats and hopping into the bed next to me.

"Uh....yea um I just had something on my mind" I said nervously,

"Hmm..." jimin hummed.

I just laughed nudging him to his reactions were giggles.

"Its ok yoongi, I don't mind if you stare im mean who could resist me? Park Jimin?" he said with a smug look.

"Pffft whatever you narcissist" I scoffed. 

"yoongi?" Jimin called,

"yea.." I replied,

"Can I kiss you?" Jimin asked fiddling with the hem of the blanket.

I choked before laughing at his random request, "Wow rude much what kind of reaction is that?" Jimin laughed before slapping me on the chest.

"Im sorry jimin, um....sure I think" I replied,

I never kissed anyone so it was kind of a shock hearing him ask me, honestly its a bit embarrassing since I've never actually kissed anyone my entire life.

"What do you mean you think? oh! let me take it you never kissed anyone?" Jimin said sitting up facing my way.

"Uh yeah, I've never dated anyone or any of that stuff, I guess you can say im a good two shoes and tae does his job well" I laughed feeling a warm blush make its way across my face.

"How adorable, its ok yoongi I'll teach you, but keep it a secret between us two" He smiled before straddling me.

"Oh....uh ok," I said nervously with my hands gripping the sheets.

"Pffft, you're making it look like im taking advantage of you calm down a bit, we can start with pecks if you're that nervous" He giggled.

I just laid there with different scenarios playing in my head and a pounding heart, I genuinely never stayed over someone house or even did anything, you'd think I was housed and sheltered to be kept away from the 'outside' dangers, but that wasn't the case. I just looked at jimin as he just sat on me scrolling through his phone for whatever it was he was looking for, it was an awkward position and he was sitting right on my crotch so any sudden or light movements would most likely set me off. As he was preoccupied with his phone I just scanned his entire body trailing my eyes from his from his abs to his chest and his collarbones just imagining leaving marks there or his lips that were red and plump asking to be kissed. I thought to myself jimin was really hot especially shirtless he was so different from school and it was only here and there he was different at the parties clubs we've been to, but then again he was usually with us so he was probably different when it was just him and jungkook. Though the person here was someone that made my heart race with excitement. Even though I've ever kissed anyone or make out with them it was just something jimin had that pulled something deep and hidden like im not sure.

"Ok, I got it," Jimin said setting his phone down to the side snapping me out of my trance.

"what were you looking up?" I asked,

"Oh, just some tips for beginners like you wouldn't want to scare our kitten away if I just pounced right on him now would i" Jimin smirked,

"Who are you calling kitten and it would be in your dreams if you were gonna supposedly pounce on me," I said with a smug tone, I may not be as experienced at things, but I wasn't gonna be dominated by someone like jimin hot or not.

"Ok says the one who's never kissed anyone," jimin said inching his face towards mine before pecking me on the nose.

Decided to split this into 2 chapters 3-3

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