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Taehyung Pov

we all sat at the booth near the window since it was the largest one for us all, the waitress there asked us for our drinks, each of us ordering a water or juice. I decided to sit next to jungkook even though he seemed to not agree, he scooted over each time I did and I could tell he was back to his usual mindset. Yoongi was eyeing me as always and so I lightly tapped jimin's ankle hinting at him to distract yoongi and his hard stares, seulgi, and Irene were scrolling through their phone sending I guess pictures of someone they saw from school.

I lightly placed my hand on jungkook's hand getting his attention but to his disagreement he pushed it off, of course, im not one to back down so I made the attempt again this time with him releasing an annoyed sigh and grabbing my fingers, crushing them, and setting them back to where they started. I gave him an agitated but pained look before the waitress came to give us our drinks.

"Can I get you any food, or have you chose your orders?" the waitress smiled at us awaiting our response.

"I'll have pork belly ramen," I said,

"I'll have the same" yoongi added,

"same here" seulgi and Irene added, 

"I guess I'll have the same....." jungkook said shyly

"You can make that another one" jimin asked.

"Oh, so we're all eating the same thing?" I asked,

"Well we all can celebrate a great day accomplished" Irene cheered before chugging her drink down

"If you drink all your soda you won't have room for your food" seulgi complained.

"true but you know I have room for more so im all good" Irene replied smugly.

"Hey how about we play a game of truth or truth or perhaps dare or dare?" Irene suggested

"wouldn't it be truth or dare?" yoongi said puzzled at the girl's way of choosing game titles.

"Yes, correct but what fun would that be you wanna spice things up right?" she pouted.

"I choose truth," I said with confidence,

"Pffft ok then I guess a game of truth it is" Irene agreed.

"Well taehyung, I'd like to ask is it true you like when yoongi puts the punishment command on you? or would you rather kookie here command that?" Irene said with a smirk.

"What is this turn of events I thought it was a truth?" I said with a panicked voice.

"sure but like said what fun would it be if I made it an original game now answer your truth no pass"

"Uh..hmm....I'd say yoongi is ruthless but kook here he isn't really that sadistic so I'd go with jungkook," I said with confidence even though I just embarrassed myself.

"hmmm," Irene hummed, "well that was a good answer".

"I am not ruthless and I do not punish you that often unless you do some dumb shit that pisses me off" yoongi pointed at me with a glare.

"yea, yea im just joking, yoongi is a very soft fluffboi that would be whipped for anyone he finds cute," I said without a care in the world.

"hmm....our yoongi?" Jimin hummed at the new information I may or may have not spilled in repaying jimin.

"Here's your meal" the waitress served us and everyone ate with a little discussion of whatever.

as I was eating my ramen I glanced over at jungkook doing the same, I smiled to myself.

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