Chapter 39

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Some s/light heavy smut cause why not since its barely any smut with thew yoonmin ship oop *3*

"Is that so?" jimin said scooting close to me to my nervous flinch because of how close he was getting to my crotch, 

"Remember when I first asked you to kiss me?" Jimin asked,

I chuckled "yea.." I said replaying everything that happened at that time how could I forget?

"Then I gave you a boner" He laughed,

"ah..that was so unconvinient cause we've barely met" I chuckled,

"yea..then you know one thing lead to another" Jimin said turning around hovering over me now.

"kind of sorta like now" Jimin mumbled before kissing me,

I didn't back away instead I kissed back, we parted to just admire the sight in front of us. 

To his surprise I lifted jimin up out of the tub we were in and went into his room placing us on the bed.

"We'll get sick like this, its almost winter" Jimin chuckled,

"yea, but with each other's warmth we wont be cold" I said before placing my lips on his again, this time the kiss was filled with love and passion with a bit of lust, but it was different from all the other time's we've kissed. We enjoyed the closeness and just each other's company.

"Oh! look its the first snowfall that's pretty early, seeing the first flake of snow with my snowflake" I said pecking jimin's nose,

"ew quit being cheesy, but yea...its almost november" Jimin laughed,

Jimin Pov

Yoongi was charming at the words and the way he hovered over me, he littered my face with kisses and was gentle with like i was gonna break, I felt cherished as well, but I wanted more, I didn't want to ruin the cute moment we had, though I didn't want to initiate anything either, I wanted to see that other side of him.

After we watched some the snowflakes fall I kissed yoongi this time more with lust he returned just as eager.

Yoongi Pov

I could tell jimin wanted more than just fluffy kisses and affection, I know him well enough to pick up on how he's eager and needy, I slowly kissed down his neck leaving clearly visible hickeys near his collarbones and chest, he sighing at the feeling, I smiled against his skin at the sight I was causing, jimin stared at me with lust filled glossy eyes and swollen red lips, it was a sight to see and boosted my ego seeing him like this just from my kissing, I trailed down to where his pulsating cock was and placed my lips against it before looking back up at jimin in a teasing way, 

"Stop being an ass by teasing...." Jimin sighed,

I chuckled at his response, "hmm? weren't you doing the same back then?" I said making him recall the time he teased me as well.

"True~" jimin moaned when I engulfed his cock into my mouth, I swiped my tongue over his slit earning a sweet moan escaped from his lips, I Looked around the side of his bed to see if there was any lube he had, but it wasn't surprising when he didn't have any he didn't seem like he needed any, I placed my lips on jimin's inner thigh admiring his beauty.

"Get on your hands and knees jiminie baby" I cooed,

Jimin nodded before doing just that.

"what are-AH!" Jimin yelped at the sudden sensation,

I swiped my tongue over jimin's entrance.

Jimin's Pov

I was shocked at the sudden feeling and wasn't expecting yoongi to tongue fuck me, but here I am a mess unable to hold myself up as he ravages me, im surprised if anything I didn't think he'd even be capable but I can't judge a book by its cover.

I was a moaning mess and im sure jungkook and taehyung can probably hear me now.

"Yoongi~"I moaned as he continued his assault I was really close to just cumming untouched due to his tongue working wonders. 

Yoongi Pov

I can tell jimin was close due to the shudders, so I stopped and placed my dick at his entrance before thrusting in, I won't lie I was eager to listen to the moans that slip from his lips. He moaned at the feeling and he was really tight, I began pounding away at his entrance chasing my climax along with jimin's, I placed kisses on his arched back,

"Im gonna cum" Jimin managed to say in between pants and moans,

"Cum with me then," I said,

Jimin clenching against me was all it took for us both to cum together.

After that's I pulled out and we both collapsed onto his bed out of breath and sleepy, I scooped his sleepy body against mine and covered us up. I placed soft kisses on his sleeping face before falling asleep as well.

Shortish chap, This book is coming to an end I should be starting on my new book as well as writing some epilogues of course 

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