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Jungkook Pov

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, my lips were swollen and my hair was messy from taehyung grabbing it, for a second I replayed what happened earlier in my head and an immense red blush ran across my face, I was so into it I hadn't realized it til now. How am I supposed to look at him now I said looking down at my throbbing dick, I locked the door and relieved myself.

Taehyung Pov

I was asleep and had the best dream jungkook was in it and it was kind of shocking, but it was an amazing dream is what I want to say, but it seemed so realistic and now that im awake now I can't tell if it was reality or a dream, the feeling of him grinding on me was real, but im still confused. I stood up walking to the bathroom and turning the knob, it was locked so I knocked maybe someone had walked in or had an emergency but you would think they'd at least wake someone up? a shaky breath replied after my last attempt at knocking the door and to my surprise, it really was jungkook so that dream I had was real, I felt a smile creep its way on my face and I walked back to the couch.


Jimin's Pov

We had just come back from the bar and it was around 7 pm since we left school, seulgi, yoongi, Irene, and I were all talking and drinking when we noticed jungkook didn't come back, I automatically assumed that he was probably checking up on tae but then when he came back out with a dazed look and kookie with swollen lips, my mind automatically went to suspecting the two had possibly fucked?

"Hey, tae?" I called with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Hmm?" he hummed rubbing his eyes trying to sober up from the remaining liquor in his system,

"uh..if you don't mind me asking, why were you gone so long, I don't want to assume anything," I asked with a curious tone even though I knew there was more than maybe them making out or something it was pretty obvious.

"Nothing, in particular, we just talked and all" he replied rubbing his neck.

"Hmm.....? is that so? come on I know you and kookie just didn't make out and I know you guys ain't kissed either, I'll have you know kookie tends to not want to kiss unless its someone he's dating and he most definitely doesn't know how" I rolled my eyes at tae's white lie.

taehyung laughed before whispering in my ear. "If I tell you the gist and everything will you help me get closer to him and I repay the debt with getting yoongi to go on a date with you," He said with a smile on his face.

I smiled at the thought before nodding my head.

"K then well....jungkook kind of..may have given me a blowjob.....and well yea we haven't really done anything yet, we didn't kiss either even though you'd think that would be something that starts first" tae said with rosy cheeks, "wow are we talking about the same jungkook? the punk would always deny a guy that and he'd just maybe make out with them or talk if anything" I said with a bit of shock.

"I thought he didn't kiss anyone?" tae said puzzled,

well I mean genuinely kissed someone as he'd let them but he wouldn't return it you know fall into it" I said clearing up my misunderstanding.

Taehyung's Pov

I kind of understood what jimin said but kook did seem like he didn't really see dating as something he'd do I'll just let it go, I myself didn't see it as something to think about right now.

"Hey guys, wanna get something to eat at that restaurant?" seulgi pointed at a diner that was opened but didn't seem busy at all, 

"sure," we all said in unison

Short chapter oops, I have a cold and pretty stressed a bit because of life shit. Lmfao my mom found I was Bisexual and school is a pain so ye that's fun but anyway I'll make up for next chapter it'll be longer this is more of a filler.

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