Code: Thief

105 7 0

Jackson Pov

To be honest just loitering around namjoon's side is boring and since its pouring outside im stuck in this school till he leaves again, he'll probably end up leaving the place with jin and I may have to hitch an umbrella with someone, but since yoongi decided to ask a favor I guess my day isn't all that bad? I get to see my little angel toy, he's probably thrilled to see me, I smile to myself just at the thought, though my question really is if he's such an angel and overprotective of jin why would he steal cookies jin made for namjoon even if he doesn't like the guy it seems more like something a jealous girlfriend or a devil like me would do and even then I don't even do those kinds of things. I just flew around looking for the guy, its kind of weird normally he'd be sulking around or upset at whatever. I scratched my head thinking places he could've gone to, after a minute of thinking it just hit me exactly a place he could be. 

The nurse office, I hear he's friends with the nurses there he might just be ranting to them.

 I tippy toe my way into the room like a ninja before walking up to the so-called ''theif''.

"Hoseokie? I believe you have something that isn't yours and I'd like if you return it to it, rightful owner?" I whispered in the little angel's ear. 

Hoseok just jumped before trying to collect himself with the laughs and snickers coming from one of the doctors, 

"What do you even want? and what do you me something I stole?" he said with his typical scowl on his face,

"Hm..well a little birdie told me you may have a gift that belongs to jin? perhaps im wrong?"I asked trying to edge him on.

"What makes you think I have them?" Hoseok rolled his eyes at my accusations.

"Come on hoseok, I understand you don't like that jin found true love and not you but stealing one's gift its pretty low of you" I rolled my eyes.

"Why does jin need to send you to question and accuse me or was it his boyfriend?" hoseok scoffed.

I normally don't lose my cool but it was clearly hoseok had the cookies, I mean said stole, even though I didn't mention that, but he was pissing me off, 

I Grabbed his wrist before exiting the nurse office and pinning him against the wall, 

"Now, just give up the cookies, or maybe I'll have to force you to hand them over" I whispered in his ear, 

"Why do you care about the cookies so much, it's not like it's for you if jin wants it so much he can just come and get them himself" Hoseok spoke through his teeth with anger filled in his eyes,

"well, that's not very angelic of're supposed to be his guardian and well you aren't doing a proper job of that by stealing his lover's gifts," I said hovering over hoseok.

Then an idea popped into my head. 

I got closer to his face before licking his bottom lip earning a whimper from him, 

"Now hoseok just hand them over? I won't have to embarrass you any further" I explained with tricks up my sleeve, I could tell he wasn't \ use to this and this is as far as I got with skinship or just being close to him but what caught my eye was the little pocket inside his jacket he was wearing, I decided to act as if I was gonna touch him but instead I slipped the treasure I was looking for right out his pocket before releasing him. 

"Well, I guess I have to just assume you don't have them" I fake sighed before walking away.


Finally, after trying to get these damn cookies back I better find yoongi and give them to him, I checked the clock to see the time and in a minute classes were over, I quickly headed to yoongi's class before he got out.

Yoongi Pov

I hoped Jackson found those cookies because by the look of jin's face he was really upset and it was taking effect on the class. The bell rang and I was quick to get up heading to Jackson who was now standing at our doorway with what looks to be jin's cookies,

"I believe this belongs to jin" Jackson smirked,

"what? how did you get them?!" I said showing my gummy smile to him,

"Hoseok was being a pain in the ass but after a bit of poking the grizzly with a stick I got them back you're welcome, don't forget that deal, today at 8 I'll come by," Jackson said getting ready to leave,

"Oh..uh about that, it seems jimin heard everything and well he wants to tag along?" Jackson threw a thumbs up before walking off with a wave.

Jin was about to walk out before I stopped him handing his cookies over,

"I found those cookies you were looking for...well maybe with some help," I said awkwardly,

Jin was speechless with tears flowing down his face,

"But How?" Jin said, 

"well I asked a hyung of mine and he found them, seems someone mistakes them for theirs and took it by accident" I lied, as much as I wanted to expose hoseok, I feel its better if the talk about it. Jin hugged me before thanking me and walking off. 

I sighed before stopping abruptly to see jimin with a smug look on his face,

"Yoongi being a sweetheart..what? that was nice of you I now see you in a new light" Jimin joked,

I scoffed "what's that supposed to mean?".

"Nothing." jimin laughed.

A little bit of something with the other ships such as jackseok/jackhope cause why not.

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