Chapter 23

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Jimin Pov

Yoongi and I decided to order some takeout since neither of us wanted to cook and it was going on 6 anyway, Who knows what kook was up to and supposedly tae was out which i personally don't believe, typically when I leave my door open kook usually walks by but rarely does he close the door, at the same time I think also he may have and then left, but then we would've heard the door closing and it didn't, of course, there's plenty of possibilities it just doesn't seem right. I'll just brush it off as whatever but now im interested in those two, they've been pretty close lately, I could tell I was in deep thought when yoongi was calling me waking me out of my trance,

"Hey!" yoongi waved in my face,

"Oh, sorry I was in a zone yes?" I said a bit embarrassed.

"We're ordering what do you and Jungkook normally get?" Yoongi asked checking his pockets for what I'll assume is his wallet, 

"Anything is fine, we'll eat anything you order" I smiled,

Yoongi nodded ordering from the menu above, though I won't lie just watching him order and talk to people was pretty hot, but for some reason that thought led to what happened a couple days back and now I was as red as a tomato, I don't know why im embarrassed since im normally joking and all, I guess because I did it for the first time to someone close or maybe because im actually rationalizing my thoughts. We were already heading back with our and the others food and I couldn't help but glance over at yoongi who seemed to be in thought as he walked.

Yoongi Pov

It was clear that jimin was thinking or worrying about something, he seemed to have his head in the clouds as we went from and to the house, I'd like to ask him what he was thinking but I thought it kinda be rude if I just questioned him, it also could've been him just thinking about whatever, my phone buzzed in my pocket and of course it was from my parents, I completely forgot we skipped school today and already pass 6 so they're probably wondering where we are, I decided to text her and let her know we'll be staying at a friends house. I kind of feel bad for just crashing at jimin's and kook's place but rarely are their parents home and it pretty fun hanging with them. 

>>>>>>>>Next day<<<<<<<<<<<

I woke up to droplets hitting the window in the room, getting up to get ready for school was the norm but the problem was I didn't expect it to rain and well we had no umbrella since we just packed clothes and that's it, I rubbed my face and stretched. 

"Oh, yoongs you're up? you didn't happen to bring an umbrella did you?" Tae says expectant,

"Uh...yea..about that, I didn't know it'll rain so no, Kook or jimin don't have spares?" I asked,

Tae just shrugged before walking and closing the bathroom door.

I Got up and headed to the kitchen for whatever was left from yesterday's takeout, there I saw jimin with the same idea, I smiled at his bedhair and took out a serving of food for myself.

"Jimin you don't happen to have a spare umbrella?" I asked,

"Hmm...well the only other spare would be my parents, they usually leave that behind for whatever, but since they're never home it should be in good condition, according to the weatherman we're supposed to be receiving snow as well," Jimin said eating his food.

"Oh...right, its gonna be winter soon," I said shocked at the change of weather. 

"Well, im gonna go freshen up for school, tell kook he can have whatever left of my food if he comes into the kitchen," Jimin said heading down the hall. I nodded before eating the rest of my food and doing the same.

Just a filler, I couldn't come up with a name for the title so it'll just be this lol, also did a time skip as far as the weather and time frame goes -3-

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