The future...?

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Jungkook Pov

I woke up to the room colder than usual, but it was typical since it was somewhat November already, when I turned over I saw taehyung fast asleep next to me and I couldn't help but smile, every time I look at him I get that fluttering feeling in my stomach and I cant help but feel euphoric around him. I must've really liked him and my stubbornness got in the way. I got up to go freshen up and eat breakfast since we had about an hour before school started when I did I saw the ground covered with fluffy glittery snow. When I turned around I was startled by Taehyung who was standing in front of me with a smile,

"Morning Kook," he said with a raspy voice and placed a kiss on my forehead, 

I mumbled a morning back with a blush on my face, I was still pretty shy when it came to giving him back affection but supposedly he found that even cuter.

After that we decided to get breakfast since the usual routine, nothing really changes when the whole crew is here but the only thing is that now there someone to wake up next to.


We were now at school and per usual jin taught the class with an annoying hoseok who'd always eyeball us here and there, after that incident with yoongi, tae wasn't too fond of him but it was clear that Jackson-hyung watched over him, since he'd somewhat sabotage namjoon-hyung and jin-hyung's dates, im surprise the higher-ups aren't on his case about it.

Another thing is that yoongi and jimin seem closer than usual and the hickeys are clear evidence as to why thank god we were asleep and didn't hear anything.

Its kind of crazy how 3 months have passed and we're already this close, I know we have a long way since its only our first year but we'll be together for the next three years and Im sure the hardships are sure to come.

Yea it's a short chapter, it's more of filler so the story doesn't end abruptly, but I'll be making like 4 epilogues, 3 to make up for the time frame of the characters the 4th for the entire ending so ye.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now